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yellow head jawfishes gone in 10min


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Hi guys,

i just got a yellow head jawfish today,i do the necessary work and happily put the fish into the tank,

while leaving it in the pail i see it keep trying to jump out of the pail despite having an air pump in there.

after i try to put it into my tank,it stayed in my net for awhile and later went into some liverock to hide,

than i went on to deal with my powder brown tang..

after about 30mins i saw a dead fish body on the sandbed.. its head is gone..

i was stunned and its very likely the yellow head jaw fish i bought..

it was a present for my mum.. she loves the colour alot..

now its dead.. shes very sad..me too :(

but i got no idea how the fish die..

i only have

sabae clown

skunk clown

regal tang

scooter blenny

bicolour wrasse

bicolour dottyback

cleaner wrasse

3x cleaner shrimp

1x boxer shrimp

1x blood shrimp..

i know that LCK haves it,any other place have it?

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Not an easy fish. Out of 3 I tried only managed to sustain 1. And it was my first yellow-head. The other 2 after that din survive. Was not due to bullying or anything. The 2nd one I got actually paired up with the first one..but died only a few days later. The 3rd one I got was a GIANT in terms of jawfish size...very calm fish too. Was eating happily in its burrow. Died few days later too.

Always something more important than fish.


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i saw crabs but very small,and that method failed.. my shrimps steal them away,

i heard some clicking sounds at night,thought was mantis shrimp,but now confirm its snail when their shell hits the glass or lr..

if its crab...

im gonna tear down the whole tank to kill that bloody CRAB!!!!!!!! :angry::angry: make sure i torture it!

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felt so sad man! lost it in 10mins! i have not even take a close look at it!

to hell with crabs!

but again wonder are they really the 1 doing it.. sigh~

anyone have such experince?

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its now 5am,as promised earlier.. i will dig that crab out and torture it. :heh:

i off all my lights and left the room for about an hr,

caming back and turn on the room light, i saw that bugger ontop the highest liverock feeding on some dirty. :angry:

i wore my coralife gloves and catch it with my right hand :eyebrow:

i went to the toilet and put it into a big container while thinking how to torture it. :look:

suddenly i got an idea :idea: i put some fresh tap water into the container and assume that it will be suffering,but than it seems to be enjoying it.. :shock:

so i added alittle shampoo,abit of deltol,abit of body foam and alittle bit of some kind of toliet cleaning liquid.

i mix all of them together and watch the crab die in there with some crackers and a can of drink :evil:

btw the crab is about 3cm long.

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its now 5am,as promised earlier.. i will dig that crab out and torture it. :heh:

i off all my lights and left the room for about an hr,

caming back and turn on the room light, i saw that bugger ontop the highest liverock feeding on some dirty. :angry:

i wore my coralife gloves and catch it with my right hand :eyebrow:

i went to the toilet and put it into a big container while thinking how to torture it. :look:

suddenly i got an idea :idea: i put some fresh tap water into the container and assume that it will be suffering,but than it seems to be enjoying it.. :shock:

so i added alittle shampoo,abit of deltol,abit of body foam and alittle bit of some kind of toliet cleaning liquid.

i mix all of them together and watch the crab die in there with some crackers and a can of drink :evil:

btw the crab is about 3cm long.

:lol: ... tats a good one... guess u must be damn piss off... :eyebrow:

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the fish was skinny and rather small.. but about 5cm long..

really got no idea how it lost its head,cant be to boxer shrimp right? they shrimps are on the other end of the jawfish about 2ft away.

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:huh: WAH! the way you torture your crab is so much better and nicer than mine! :lol: I just merely shot it with a high spray hose and spray it around the toliet bowl and then flush it down the toliet chute into the sewage.. i thought that that was the worst fate for a crab but didnt know that there is someone so much better than me! :rolleyes:

anyway yeah.. crabs can be dangerous especially if you got a small tank and very peaceful and calm fishes like gobies, jawfishes, blennies, anthias etc. very prone to kanna MIA or wake up in the morning to find the head disappearing. quite horrible IMO...

i lost 3 gobies 3 precious gobies to a miserable 2cm crab. the bugger was very small and can MIA my gobies.. quite impressive :bow: but then its in somewhere in the sewage le.. so.. :evil:

mantis no idea how to catch it. but if you are having a small tank tear it down and hunt for it.. otherwise i cant think of a better way to catch it..

anyway good lucks!

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my tank is 5ft tear down.. :blink:


then really no choice.. ask friends go help you out.. dip all your LS in tapwater then hopefully something comes out of it. NOt so nice to always find your precious LS dying or MIA just because you know there might be a culprit in your tank right? especially losing a chevron or black tang to a mantis? i will cry manz!

i am also hinting to one guy whose tank has a mantis in it and refused to take it out.. Someday you will learn the consequences.. ;)

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I have 2-3 rouge crabs about 2-3cm that I gave up trying to catch. Until now never bothering anything..instead behaving a little like my emerald crabs..plucking algae from rocks.. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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