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Water Parameters/Dosing Guide needed

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1. How old is your system, inclusive of the cycling period.
3 Months.(used 4kg live rock previous tank)

2. What kind of system type are you running in terms of natural filtration (Jaubert, Berlin, modified berlin, DSB, etc).


3. System volume including sump.


4. Water flow (incl equipment used to achieve it).

Set at 45% approx 3000Gph - 6500 Jebao Return Pump
Jebao Sw 8 x 2 - Set at 50% W1 mode 

5. Filtration type (refugium, skimmer, skimmerless etc).

Small Refugium chaeto with grow lights / Bubble Magnus Skimmer C6

6. Additional filtration types (chemical eg. GAC, polyfilters etc and mechanical eg. filter wool)

Filter sock + marine pure 2Gallon spheres

7. Lighting photoperiod, scheme, color temp, type and wattage (NO flourescents, T5, Power compacts, Metal halides).

AI HYDRA 26 HD x 2 
10 hours lighting

9. Test kits used to measure the above (brand names and age of test kits).


10. Stocking of your tank (number & types of coral, fish, inverts, etc).

1x Powder Tang 
1x blue Tang 
1x Yellow Tang
2x Designer clowns 
1x mandarin dragonett
1x Yellow watchmen Goby
2x red fire goby
1x bi-color blenny
1x Flame Angel
2x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Fire Shrimp
6x Astrea Snails
1x Royal gramma
1x White bellied yellow wrasses

5x zoas (small colony 3-6 polyps)
1x warhead scolymia
1x green scolymia 
3x Lobo
2x Trachyphyllia
1x plate coral
3x hammer coral 
2x Torch Coral 
1x Bubble coral
1x Sun coral
2x blasto
1x finger leather coral
1x ultra acan
1x bubble tip anemone

1x forest fire digi
1x Radioactive Coral
1x purple coloured (dont know what sps someone gave)
2x monti cap red and green(small frag)

11. Additives used (kalkwasser, B-Ionic, calcium reactor, trace elements etc).

this is the question i want to ask.

14. How long have you been in this hobby (it would give us a rough indication of your experience).
5 months

ok enough of the questions summary:

i need some answers.. cant google or find it.
i've been replacing my water 10-15% weekly around 5-7 days..
i tested my water parameters below:
28/1: Water Changed 10%
29/1 : Cal 490 Mg 1410 Alk 9
31/1 : Cal 460 Mg 1410 Alk 8.2dKH
1/2 : Cal 485 Mg 1440 Alk 8dKH (<- after feeding reefroids + reef booster + mysis shrimp + zooplankton by seachem) <- why does the cal & mg increases?
2/2: Cal 470 Mg 1440 Alk 8.6Dkh <- tested after 3 hours put in seachem reef builder 6grams/500ml 
all were tested at same time for all test.
 i notice one of my Trachyphyllia outer part starts turn white.. others were fine and growing well.. 
i used RODI + red sea salt 75% + 25% redsea coral pro salt mixed.

so my question is: is this normal? why do my cal and mg increases? should i start dosing? or just keep up with water changes? 
I have reef advantage Calcium and reef builder and advantage magnesium on hand.

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-02 at 7.27.31 PM.jpeg

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  • SRC Member

1. How old is your system, inclusive of the cycling period.
3 Months.(used 4kg live rock previous tank)

2. What kind of system type are you running in terms of natural filtration (Jaubert, Berlin, modified berlin, DSB, etc).


3. System volume including sump.


4. Water flow (incl equipment used to achieve it).

Set at 45% approx 3000Gph - 6500 Jebao Return Pump
Jebao Sw 8 x 2 - Set at 50% W1 mode 

5. Filtration type (refugium, skimmer, skimmerless etc).

Small Refugium chaeto with grow lights / Bubble Magnus Skimmer C6

6. Additional filtration types (chemical eg. GAC, polyfilters etc and mechanical eg. filter wool)

Filter sock + marine pure 2Gallon spheres

7. Lighting photoperiod, scheme, color temp, type and wattage (NO flourescents, T5, Power compacts, Metal halides).

AI HYDRA 26 HD x 2 
10 hours lighting

9. Test kits used to measure the above (brand names and age of test kits).


10. Stocking of your tank (number & types of coral, fish, inverts, etc).

1x Powder Tang 
1x blue Tang 
1x Yellow Tang
2x Designer clowns 
1x mandarin dragonett
1x Yellow watchmen Goby
2x red fire goby
1x bi-color blenny
1x Flame Angel
2x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Fire Shrimp
6x Astrea Snails
1x Royal gramma
1x White bellied yellow wrasses

5x zoas (small colony 3-6 polyps)
1x warhead scolymia
1x green scolymia 
3x Lobo
2x Trachyphyllia
1x plate coral
3x hammer coral 
2x Torch Coral 
1x Bubble coral
1x Sun coral
2x blasto
1x finger leather coral
1x ultra acan
1x bubble tip anemone

1x forest fire digi
1x Radioactive Coral
1x purple coloured (dont know what sps someone gave)
2x monti cap red and green(small frag)

11. Additives used (kalkwasser, B-Ionic, calcium reactor, trace elements etc).

this is the question i want to ask.

14. How long have you been in this hobby (it would give us a rough indication of your experience).
5 months

ok enough of the questions summary:

i need some answers.. cant google or find it.
i've been replacing my water 10-15% weekly around 5-7 days..
i tested my water parameters below:
28/1: Water Changed 10%
29/1 : Cal 490 Mg 1410 Alk 9
31/1 : Cal 460 Mg 1410 Alk 8.2dKH
1/2 : Cal 485 Mg 1440 Alk 8dKH ( 2/2: Cal 470 Mg 1440 Alk 8.6Dkh all were tested at same time for all test.
 i notice one of my Trachyphyllia outer part starts turn white.. others were fine and growing well.. 
i used RODI + red sea salt 75% + 25% redsea coral pro salt mixed.

so my question is: is this normal? why do my cal and mg increases? should i start dosing? or just keep up with water changes? 
I have reef advantage Calcium and reef builder and advantage magnesium on hand.


Parameters look fine. Just continue water changes?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  • SRC Member

Hi no need to dose Ca & KH as your water volume is substantial compared to the number of SPS you have. Noticed that you are dosing kalk, 2part Bionic, & running CR. That’s quite a lot going on there..

A few SPS frags or colonies will not cause your parameters to fall too much, weekly water changes will be sufficient to replenish levels.

Unless you get more clams & SPS, & if you don’t dose for a day & observe levels consistently dropping, then it means your livestock is consuming the elements & it’s time to dose. However, we must also be aware that there’s a certain degree of error/accuracy when we use our hobbyist test kits 

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4 hours ago, JMW said:

Hi no need to dose Ca & KH as your water volume is substantial compared to the number of SPS you have. Noticed that you are dosing kalk, 2part Bionic, & running CR. That’s quite a lot going on there..

A few SPS frags or colonies will not cause your parameters to fall too much, weekly water changes will be sufficient to replenish levels.

Unless you get more clams & SPS, & if you don’t dose for a day & observe levels consistently dropping, then it means your livestock is consuming the elements & it’s time to dose. However, we must also be aware that there’s a certain degree of error/accuracy when we use our hobbyist test kits 

i not dosing anything at the moment.. only reef builder for the first time.. whats 2part bionic and CR means?

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