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Question on Biofilteration

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Recently I decided to setup one of my planted 2ft tanks to a marine FOWLR.

It's up and running with only grade 1 sand. Added a skimmer and running the canister filter.

Prior to running the setup I did not wash the filter becoz found no detritus in it. Filter been running 24/7 for a year without cleaning when used for the Planted setup.

I'm curious to whether the BB can be used to cycle the tank. If the product "CY*LE" from H*GEN has such product for both FW and Marine, why can't I use those BB already available in my filter for cycling. My FW setup has a heavy bioload but very low ANN level.


Another question, can I add a hardy fish b4 adding 1 liverock at a time. I'm not intending to torture the fish but kick off cycling with 1 fish then liverock. Did that last time but can't remember outcome (was into marine 2 years back) but do notice skimmer start foaming when I add the clown in.

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  • SRC Member

i think it will be better to cycle your LRs 1st before adding any fish....hardy fishes such as damsels can be used to test out or learn more things but not really advisable to use them for cycling...another thing is if one day u don't like them anymore, it'll be very difficult to catch them out....dun buy them because they are cheap, it will cost u more problems next time....

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  • SRC Member

Don't add fish in to kick-off the cycling. Its a practise that is often frowned upon as it causes stress and suffering to the fish.

Try putting yourself in a room that is filled with waste and more waste for weeks before it gradually gets cleaner daily. ;)

The die-offs from the liverock should be sufficient to kick-off the cycling, alternatively, if no die-off occur, you can add some meat like a dead market prawn.

The transition from a freshwater to a marine environment is likely to kill-off the bacteria found in your canister, so its good to cycle again.

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kalib, i understand the moral implications of that. Will rule out idea.

FYI, I use the same product to cycle my filter for my old FW setup. So wats the diff if I dose the stuff to cycle my tank/filter. Am I culturing the same beneficial bacteria? U get my point. Just a brain teaser for all.

typrobin, I'm not thinking of using a damsel though, had a hard time removing the bugger the last time.Anyway, dropped the idea altogether.

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