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Help with Sulphur Denitrator


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I am using a Skimz CM152 calcium reactor as a sulphur denitrator. The unit is placed inside the cabinet beside the sump.


Have just started running the reactor for a day and noticed that unit gets rather warm. Main body is warm to touch. Is this normal? Do I need to point a fan or something to the recirculating pump?


Running effluent at one drop a second per instructions. The orp meter is currently already reading below -200mv. Should I increase flow or wait another 2 days as outlined in the instructions?





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Its normal for the pump to feel warm.

My CM152 (calcium reactor) placed externally also feels warm. I've ever tried to stick a heat sink on it to assist cooling. Don't think it makes much difference.


How's your sulfur reactor running now?  Effective?

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I had since moved the reactor into the sump. It is still not working. NO3 of effluent is still red, same as the input, on both salifert and red sea test kits.

Tried using AF Pro Bio S together with NP pro and it seems to make it worst. ORP moved to and stayed positive. Have now stopped dosing the AF solutions and left the reactor alone.

Tried almost everything but can't bring NO3 down. Chaeto reactor, biopellet reactor, nitra guard bio cube, AF probiotic...

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That's v strange indeed.

-ve ORP should surely give you lower NO3 output levels.

+ve ORP is indication that effluent flow rate is too high isn't it? NPro & ProbioS should not affect it since they are bacteria & carbon sources.

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10 hours ago, SubzeroLT said:

That's v strange indeed.

-ve ORP should surely give you lower NO3 output levels.

+ve ORP is indication that effluent flow rate is too high isn't it? NPro & ProbioS should not affect it since they are bacteria & carbon sources.

SubzeroLT is correct. Dosing bacteria ain't gotta help. Sulphur reactor is a different approach. 

I use a DIY sulphur unit in my sump. You need very slow flow rate for the first month. About 2-3 drops per second. My NO3 was hovering abt 30ppm for 3 months.. 

One fine day it dip to 1-2ppm..

Now.. I need to dose more amino acid/feed my fishes just to make sure it doesn't drop to 0ppm. 

Hope this helps! 

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That's v strange indeed.
-ve ORP should surely give you lower NO3 output levels.
+ve ORP is indication that effluent flow rate is too high isn't it? NPro & ProbioS should not affect it since they are bacteria & carbon sources.

One guy at reefcentral says the bacteria feeding on carbon will out compete the sulphur feeding bacteria so dosing carbon will interfere with sulphur denitrator. Don't know true or not but I temporarily stopped dosing the AF probiotics solutions, removed the nitra guard cubes and turned down the flow of the biopellet reactor.

ORP of sulphur reactor had hovered between -10 to -60 for the past week, still far off from the -180 "sweet spot". I'm already at approx 1 drop per second so don't know what to do, other than just wait and see if the reactor starts functioning by itself.

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