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Excess Phytoplankton for Sale


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  • SRC Member

Hi Reefers,

I usually cultivate more phytoplankton than my tank needs. Hence I would like to clear off some of the excess at $4.00 for each 250ml. They are usually quite dark green. If you are self collect and bring your own clean, steriled bottles or container, I will charge just S$3.50 for the same volumn.

My strain is called Nannochloropsis.

In stay in Choa Chu Kang North 6 and I can be contacted at 98506442. So do keep you enquiries and reservation coming!



Danny ..


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Hello Reefers,

Thanks for the overwhelming response. At the moments, all my stocks are dry. I have began my next new batch of culture. Yes Nannochloropsis, NCP, and should be ready by next week.

If you wish to reserved some of them, pls let me know early so that I prepare the volume. Its $4 per 250ml, self-collect, pls.

Thanks for your support to those of you who have bought from me.

I also take in SMS for reservations.

Thanks once again!


Danny ..

ps: I will post again once this batch is ready for harvest. So watch this space.

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  • SRC Member

Hi Reefer,

My current batch of phytoplanktons will be ready for harvest on Friday. Good time for collections will be from this Fri evening after 9pm onwards. If you are arranging Sat collection is still fine. Self-collections, pls.

After reserving for the list of reefers who had made reservation earlier and own use, I will only have about 20 bottles of 250ml left. Each is going for S$4 per 250ml. Pls see my earlier picture.

I stay in Choa Chu Kang North 6, nearest train station is Yew Tee MRT. Self drive reefer pls call for direction if you are not sure.

I can be contacted or SMS at 98506442. Pls reserve early as the last batch was gone very fast I had to use my own reserves.

Thanks for your support. I future, I maybe setting up a website called i-Plankton for you order placements, just for your fun and convenient. For reefers who are new, I am doing this to run my marine hobby and to provide a service to fellow reefers who have no time to culture planktons.

Warm regards

Danny ..

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Hi Chris21,

To be very frank with you, really O am not equipped with the knowledge to answer your questions on the types of multi-strain planktons. I have read and heard the DT brand contains 250 million cell per ml!!!!! That is amazing. And the cost is amazing too. Hence many people are getting my home cultured phytoplankton called Nannochloropsis, NCP, in a way also supporting my marine reef hobby! Thanks, guys!

I have not heard of USA Liquid. But have tried M*****Sn**. I found some of these items too expensive to afford. So I am trying alternatives like NCP. Yes, many people have tried Cyc*****ze (not sure if I can mention any brand names here in SRC) and they like it very much. As for me, these are 'luxurious' items to have.

If you are curious and want to give a try, you could always go ahead and try a bottle. However, my tank is doing very well and healthy with my normal NCP.

Since I have not tried any of those products mentioned my you, I think I should not be giving my opinions on them. I think multi-strain and different sizes are better since different corals go for different food sizes!

Anyway, just for anyone's interest, the current batch of NCP is almost taken up by fellow reefers who have made reservations. If you are keen, just drop me a call or SMS me. If you are not able to get any NCP from this batch, I will reserve for you in my next batch when you make a reservation. This will give me a hint on how much to cultivate.

Thanks, Chris!


Danny ..


Care to share about your knowledge of DT live plankton? We just dose in directly to the tank? can see diff. to my corals? any soft coral?

Secondly, How about USA Liquid life? same effective or different product?

Coz i aslo heard of Cyclop Eeze (zooplakton) same thing or what?

And what species is yours?

Feel free to pm me thanks a million..

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Hello Fellow Reefer,

First of all, thanks to all my home cultured phytoplankton supporter!

The current batch of freshly matured phytoplankton has been fully reserved and taken up. I will be contacting you guys soon to make arrangements for collections. Collection day and time will be Friday, after 9pm (thats when I return fr work!) onwards thru Sat. Kindly make you time to come by as Sun I will be away.

Reefers who are keen to reserve for the next batch kindly PM/SMS/call me directly to place order. This way, you will help me to estimate how much to innoculate.

Thanks for your support!


Danny ..

hp: 98506442

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

HI Reefers,

My last batch was fully taken up by fellow reefers!!! Thanks for your generous support!!!

Just to announce that this current batch has matured and I will harvest them tonight. I estimate after taken up mine portion, there should have 17 bottles of 250ml each left.

Hence pls SMS me if you are keen to buy them at 98506442. 7 bottles of these 17 bottles have been reserved. So left 10 bottles. Pls be early. $4/250ml. Self collect at my residence in CCK area. The nearest MRT station is Yew Tee. Collection is from tomorrow evening.

Am starting a new batch before the weekend.

Once again, thank for your support!


Danny ..

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hee i tink the plankton are great ... my tank are doing well man ... wll be getting from u haha...

thaks bro for reserving for mi !!

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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Hi Hammy,

I remember you! You are the university student who had patiently waited for me!

Thanks for your feedback on my phytoplankton. Tonight just start a new batch. When you are ready to order, just SMS me and I will take note of your reservation.

Hope your tank will continue to bloom!


Danny ..

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