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Weekly LFS shipment update 10th Dec to 16th dec

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New arrivals Australia LPS

Scolymia australis, Acanthastrea, Goniopora green, Goniopora Pink/Red, Australia green sinularia, 24K gold torch.


Tomorrow afternoon Cebu oddities

Multicolor pencil wrasse, flagfin angel, blue face angel, yellow belly regal angels, coral beauty, purple queen anthias, bellus male and female, white band possum wrasse, swallowtail angel, clown anglerfish, white cap goby with shrimp, banded snake eel, orange breasted maori wrasse, argus wrasse, scribbled boxfish female, carpenter wrasse, hoeven wrasse, roseafascia wrasse, lunatus wrasse, orange spotted filefish, marine betta, yellow wrasse, orbiculated batfish, trimma rubromaculatum, eviota nigriventris, eviota pellucida, orange spotted sand shifting goby, coris pictoides, hortulanus wrasse, antenna shrimp goby, randall goby, grissengeri goby, citrus goby, hector goby, inermis hawkfish, sea goblin, sailfin tangs, green chromis, cleaner wrasse, green mandarin, six line wrasse, lime wrasse, saddleblack clown, yellow belly damsel, orange body filefish, broom file, white face leaf fish, mimic grey tang, mask scorpionfish, tomini tang, antennata lionfish, mimic grey tang, solandri puffer, valentine puffer, blue spot puffer, crocodilefish, pyjama cardinal, zebra blenny, red cardinal, ruby red dragonet, moyeri dragonet, many banded pipefish, banded pipefish, cincta goby, yellow cussfish, widow blenny, starry blenny, 2 spot blenny, blue velvet nudibranch (flatworm eater),  Halloween hermit crab, anemone crab pairs, strombus, mole crabs, abalones, tuxedo sea urchins, pencil urchins, urchin sand dollar, stenopus tenuirostris, blue linckia, flamboyant cuttlefish, normal cuttlefish, bumblebee shrimp, stenopus cyanoscelis, sea hare, white spot octopus, ordinary octopus, magnifica anemone, anemone shrimps, striped squat lobsters, crispa anemone, lysmatella prima, zebra mantis shrimp, bubble anemones.


Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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Sri Lanka Shipment (14/12/2018) 4pm

Acanthurus leucosternon Powder Blue Surgeon
Acanthurus lineatus Striped Surgeon
Acanthurus lineatus Striped Surgeon
Acanthurus lineatus Striped Surgeon
Chaetodon collare(MD) Brown Butterfly
Chaetodon collare Brown Butterfly
Chaetodon collare Brown Butterfly
Chaetodon collare Brown Butterfly
Chaetodon mitratus(LG) Black & Yellow Butterfly Fish
Chaetodon xanthocephalus Goldheaded Butterfly
Sargocentron Violanceum Violet Squrrel Fish
Coris formosa False Clown Wrasse
Coris formosa ( SM ) False Clown Wrasse
Coris formosa False Clown Wrasse
Stethojulis bandanensis[Male] Orange-axil Wrasse
Cirilabrus exquistus Exquisite Wrasse
Siganus [LO] uspi [MD/LG] Bicoloured Rare Fox face
Echidna Catenata Chain Moray eel
Gymnothovax fimbriatus [MD] Yellow body black spot Dragon Eel
Gymnothovax fimbriatus [sM] Yellow body black spot Dragon Eel
Gymnothorax Favagineus Leopard Moray Eel
Gymnothovax Species (SM/MD) Black & white Banded Morray eel
Centropyge flavipectoralis ( MD ) Yellow Finned Angelfish
Holocanthus Xanthurus [sM/MD] Goldenscaled Angelfish
Holocanthus Xanthurus (LG) Goldenscaled Angelfish
Holocanthus Xanthurus [sM] Goldenscaled Angelfish
Pomocanthus annularis Blue Ringed Angelfish
Pseudanthias evansi Evansi Anthias
Nemanthias carberry MALE Orange - Pink Coral Perch
Anthias bimaculatus Male - Blue Lined
Anthias squamipinnis FEMALE Red Coral Perch [s/M/L]
Anthias squamipinnis MALE Red Coral Perch [sM/MD}
Cephalpholis argus(MD) Blue Spotted Peacock
Valenciennea puellaris Sand Shifting Shrimp's Goby
Valenciennea puellaris(LG) Sand Shifting Shrimp's Goby
Valenciennea puellaris(SM) Sand Shifting Shrimp's Goby
Clibanarius spp (Caribbean ) Red Leg Hermit Crab
Lysmata amboinensis Cleaner Shrimp
Lysmata debelius Fire Shrimp
Lysmata wurdemanni [wild caught][sM] Aptesia Eating Peppermint Shrimps
Lysmata debelius Fire Shrimp
Actinia eyuina Sand Anemone Orange
Actinia eyuina Yellow Sand Anemone Orange Base
Actinia eyuina Pink Tip Orange Base Sand Anemone
Stichodactyla haddoni [sM] Carpet Anemone White
Gyrostoma quadricolor Bulb Anemone
Gyrostoma Quadricolor Purple Bulb Anemone
Himerometra sp. Red Star Feather Assort Colour
Fromia monilis Red Star Fish
Ophiomyxa sp. Black Brittle Star Fish
Linckia Sp Red Batik Linkia Star Fish
Echinaster sepositus (LG) Green Star Fish
Echinaster sepositus (SM/MD) Green Star Fish
Cucumaria miniata Sea Cucumber Red - Brown
Cucumaria miniata Sea Cucumber Black
Zebrasoma xanthurus (4-5") Purple Tang
Zebrasoma xanthurus (2-3") Purple Tang
Zebrasoma xanthurus (3-4") Purple Tang
Zebrasoma xanthurus (5-6") Purple Tang
Chaetodon mesoleucos White Face Accordion Butterfly
Pomocanthus asfar [6-7"] Arabian Angel Fish
Pomocanthus asfar [5-6"] Arabin Angel Fish
Pomocanthus asfar [4-5 "] Arabian Angel Fish
Pomocanthus asfar [3-4"] Arabian Angel Fish
Pomocanthus asfar [2-3"] Arabian Angel Fish
Pomocanthus asfar [Juv ] Arabian Angel
Pomocanthus maculosus [3-4"] Half Moon Angel
Pomocanthus maculosus [JUV] Half Moon Angel
Trochus Spp Tiger Turbo Grazer

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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