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Major Rescape Coral Sale


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Rescaping Coral Sale

*Collection @ Punggol (5min from MRT)

*Free Delivery if total purchase above $150 (by courier)

*For purchase above $150 and self-collect minus $10

*Whatsapp me : 9889 5566 or https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=6598895566

*Don't ask me what color , photo are attached, WYSIWYG 

*FCFS unless payment made



C1 - Crocea 2-3inch  - $40

C2 - Crocea 2-3 inch - $40

C3 - Crocea 1-2inch - $30

C4 - Maxima 6-7inch - $200

C5 - Squamosa 10-12inch - $280

C6 - Hippopus 7-8inch - $150




O1 - Green Tip Yellow Base Octo (Large) - $80

O2 - Neon Green Octo (Large) - $100


H1 - Hammer - $60

H2 - Hammer - $40

H3 - Oz Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $200

H4 - Oz Purple Tip Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $250


T1 - Neon Green - $45

T2 - Neon Green - $60



P1 - Bright Orange Plate - $80

P2 - Red Black Plate - $120

P3 - Gold Plate - $80



Y1(3polyp) - pink bubble yuma -$180

Y2 - Tri Color Yuma - $80

Y3 - Big bubble Yuma - $250

Y4 - Yuma - $100

D1(1polyp) - Leopard Disco - $100



ZG1 - Zoa Garden - $80

Z1 - Hawaiian PE - $30

Z2 - Mind Blowing PE - $30

Z3 - Green Bay Packer - $30

Z4 - Green Implosion Zoas (4-5 polyp) - $35

Z5 - Fire & Ice Colony - $50


Kenya Tree

K1 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60

K2 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60

K3 (s) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (few branch) - $40



A1 - Red ultra Acan - $60

A2 - Green / Purple ultra Acan - $60


E1 - Yellow Elegance - $250

PB1 - Pipe Blasto - $80

BM - Red Blastomusa - $40

F1 - Beon Green Favia - $25

L1 - Blue Green Lephastrea - $25

B1 - Brain - $40

C1 - Chalice - $20

C2 - Orange Eye Chalice - $25

P1 - Pavona Nucleur Salad - $25

GL1 - Green Lithophyllon - $20

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  • SRC Member
C1 - Crocea 2-3inch - $40
C2 - Crocea 2-3 inch - $40
C3 - Crocea 1-2inch - $30
C4 - Maxima 6-7inch - $200
C5 - Squamosa 10-12inch - $280
C6 - Hippopus 7-8inch - $150
O1 - Green Tip Yellow Base Octo (Large) - $80
O2 - Neon Green Octo (Large) - $100
H1 - Hammer - $60
H2 - Hammer - $40
H3 - Oz Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $200
H4 - Oz Purple Tip Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $250
T1 - Neon Green - $45
T2 - Neon Green - Paid 3345 (3/3)
P1 - Bright Orange Plate - $80
P2 - Red Black Plate - $120
P3 - Gold Plate - $80
Y1(3polyp) - pink bubble yuma -$180
Y2 - Tri Color Yuma - $80
Y3 - Big bubble Yuma - $250
Y4 - Yuma - $100
D1(1polyp) - Leopard Disco - $100
ZG1 - Zoa Garden - $80
Z1 - Hawaiian PE - $30
Z2 - Mind Blowing PE - $30
Z3 - Green Bay Packer - $30
Z4 - Green Implosion Zoas (4-5 polyp) - $35
Z5 - Fire & Ice Colony - Paid 3345 (1/3)
Kenya Tree
K1 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60
K2 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60
K3 (s) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (few branch) - $40
A1 - Red ultra Acan - $60
A2 - Green / Purple ultra Acan - $60
E1 - Yellow Elegance - $250
PB1 - Pipe Blasto - $80
BM - Red Blastomusa - $40
F1 - Beon Green Favia - $25
L1 - Blue Green Lephastrea - $25
B1 - Brain - Paid 3345 (2/3)
B1 - Pearl Bubble - $80
C1 - Chalice - $20
C2 - Orange Eye Chalice - $25
P1 - Pavona Nucleur Salad - $25
GL1 - Green Lithophyllon - $20
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C1 - Crocea 2-3inch - $40

C2 - Crocea 2-3 inch - $40

C3 - Crocea 1-2inch - $30

C4 - Maxima 6-7inch - $200

C5 - Squamosa 10-12inch - $280

C6 - Hippopus 7-8inch - $150




O1 - Green Tip Yellow Base Octo (Large) - $80


H3 - Oz Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $200

H4 - Oz Purple Tip Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $250


T1 - Neon Green - $45




P1 - Bright Orange Plate - $80

P3 - Gold Plate - $80



Y1(3polyp) - pink bubble yuma -$180

Y2 - Tri Color Yuma - $80

Y3 - Big bubble Yuma - $250

Y4 - Yuma - $100

D1(1polyp) - Leopard Disco - $100



ZG1 - Zoa Garden - $80

Z1 - Hawaiian PE - $30

Z2 - Mind Blowing PE - $30

Z3 - Green Bay Packer - $30

Z4 - Green Implosion Zoas (4-5 polyp) - $35



Kenya Tree

K1 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60

K2 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60

K3 (s) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (few branch) - $40



A1 - Red ultra Acan - $60

A2 - Green / Purple ultra Acan - $60


E1 - Yellow Elegance - $250

PB1 - Pipe Blasto - $80

BM - Red Blastomusa - $40

F1 - Beon Green Favia - $25

L1 - Blue Green Lephastrea - $25

B1 - Pearl Bubble - $80

C1 - Chalice - $20

C2 - Orange Eye Chalice - $25

P1 - Pavona Nucleur Salad - $25

GL1 - Green Lithophyllon - $20



Z5 - Fire & Ice Colony - Paid 3345 (1/3)

B1 - Brain - Paid 3345 (2/3)

T2 - Neon Green - Paid 3345 (3/3)


O2 - Neon Green Octo (Large) - Paid 1723 (1/4)

H1 - Paid 1723 (2/4)

H2 - Paid 1723 (3/4)

P2 - Red Black Plate - Paid 1723 (4/4)

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  • SRC Member

C2 - Crocea 2-3 inch - $40
C3 - Crocea 1-2inch - $30
C4 - Maxima 6-7inch - $200
C5 - Squamosa 10-12inch - $280
C6 - Hippopus 7-8inch - $150

H3 - Oz Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $200
H4 - Oz Purple Tip Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $250
T1 - Neon Green - $45

P1 - Bright Orange Plate - $80
P3 - Gold Plate - $80

Y1(3polyp) - pink bubble yuma -$180
Y2 - Tri Color Yuma - $80
Y3 - Big bubble Yuma - $250
Y4 - Yuma - $100
D1(1polyp) - Leopard Disco - $100

ZG1 - Zoa Garden - $80
Z1 - Hawaiian PE - $30
Z2 - Mind Blowing PE - $30
Z3 - Green Bay Packer - $30
Z4 - Green Implosion Zoas (4-5 polyp) - $35

Kenya Tree
K2 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60
K3 (s) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (few branch) - $40

A1 - Red ultra Acan - $60
A2 - Green / Purple ultra Acan - $60

E1 - Yellow Elegance - $250
PB1 - Pipe Blasto - $80
BM - Red Blastomusa - $40
F1 - Beon Green Favia - $25
L1 - Blue Green Lephastrea - $25
B1 - Pearl Bubble - $80
C1 - Chalice - $20
C2 - Orange Eye Chalice - $25
P1 - Pavona Nucleur Salad - $25
GL1 - Green Lithophyllon - $20

PAID (Pending Collection)

Z5 - Fire & Ice Colony - Paid 3345 (1/3)
B1 - Brain - Paid 3345 (2/3)
T2 - Neon Green - Paid 3345 (3/3)

O2 - Neon Green Octo (Large) - Paid 1723 (1/4)
H1 - Paid 1723 (2/4)
H2 - Paid 1723 (3/4)
P2 - Red Black Plate - Paid 1723 (4/4)

C1 - Crocea 2-3inch - Paid 7048 (1/3)
O1 - Green Tip Yellow Base Octo (Large) - Paid 7048 (2/3)
K1 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) -Paid 7048 (3/3)

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  • SRC Member
C2 - Crocea 2-3 inch - $40
C3 - Crocea 1-2inch - $30
C4 - Maxima 6-7inch - $200
C5 - Squamosa 10-12inch - $280
C6 - Hippopus 7-8inch - $150
H3 - Oz Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $200
H4 - Oz Purple Tip Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $250
T1 - Neon Green - $45
P1 - Bright Orange Plate - $80
P3 - Gold Plate - $80
Y1(3polyp) - pink bubble yuma -$180
Y2 - Tri Color Yuma - $80
Y3 - Big bubble Yuma - $250
Y4 - Yuma - $100
D1(1polyp) - Leopard Disco - $100
ZG1 - Zoa Garden - $80
Z1 - Hawaiian PE - $30
Z2 - Mind Blowing PE - $30
Z3 - Green Bay Packer - $30
Z4 - Green Implosion Zoas (4-5 polyp) - $35
Kenya Tree
K2 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60
K3 (s) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (few branch) - $40
E1 - Yellow Elegance - $250
PB1 - Pipe Blasto - $80
BM - Red Blastomusa - $40
F1 - Beon Green Favia - $25
L1 - Blue Green Lephastrea - $25
B1 - Pearl Bubble - $80
C1 - Chalice - $20
C2 - Orange Eye Chalice - $25
P1 - Pavona Nucleur Salad - $25
GL1 - Green Lithophyllon - $20
PAID (Pending Collection)
Z5 - Fire & Ice Colony - Paid 3345 (1/3)
B1 - Brain - Paid 3345 (2/3)
T2 - Neon Green - Paid 3345 (3/3)
O2 - Neon Green Octo (Large) - Paid 1723 (1/4)
H1 - Paid 1723 (2/4)
H2 - Paid 1723 (3/4)
P2 - Red Black Plate - Paid 1723 (4/4)
C1 - Crocea 2-3inch - Paid 7048 (1/3)
O1 - Green Tip Yellow Base Octo (Large) - Paid 7048 (2/3)
K1 (b) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) -Paid 7048 (3/3)
A1 - Red ultra Acan - paid 1323 (1/2)
A2 - Green / Purple ultra Acan - paid 1323 (2/2)
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C1 - Crocea 2-3inch - $40
C3 - Crocea 1-2inch - $30
C4 - Maxima 6-7inch - $200
C5 - Squamosa 10-12inch - $280
C6 - Hippopus 7-8inch - $150

H3 - Oz Green Hammer Wall (XL) - $200
T1 - Neon Green - $45

P1 - Bright Orange Plate - $80
P3 - Gold Plate - $80

Y1(3polyp) - pink bubble yuma -$180
Y2 - Tri Color Yuma - $80
Y3 - Big bubble Yuma - $250
Y4 - Yuma - $100
D1(1polyp) - Leopard Disco - $100

ZG1 - Zoa Garden - $80
Z1 - Hawaiian PE - $30
Z2 - Mind Blowing PE - $30
Z3 - Green Bay Packer - $30
Z4 - Green Implosion Zoas (4-5 polyp) - $35

Kenya Tree
K2 (B) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (multi branch) - $60
K3 (s) - Neon Green Kenya Tree (few branch) - $40

PB1 - Pipe Blasto - $80
BM - Red Blastomusa - $40
L1 - Blue Green Lephastrea - $25
B1 - Pearl Bubble - $80
C1 - Chalice - $20
C2 - Orange Eye Chalice - $25
P1 - Pavona Nucleur Salad - $25
GL1 - Green Lithophyllon - $20

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