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Lugol's Iodine or Potassium Iodide

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Dear Reefers,

I am a avid fan of Anthony Calfo and in his book he has recommended to use Lugol's Iodine instead of buying commercially prepared one.

I have trying asking a few pharmacy to no avail thus I would like to know whether and reefers here know where we can get it.

I have a friend who works in a clinic who can provide iodine tincture, I am wondering whether we could used that? He told me that it is 100% iodine without potassium. ;)

All help appreciated........ :thanks:

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I bought mine in States for about USD5.00 and they are really good stuff...stopped my yumas from melting... :yeah:

I thought I saw it at Reborn and maybe Sealife may have since they carrying Kent's products... :rolleyes:

Call before going... :)

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Hi fubberina 13,

So you mean you saw Reborn & Sealife carry Lugol's? Or are the carrying the normal ones.

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Dear bro,

which one did you get from before. I went to ask and most of them say dun have or never heard of. Even my firend who work in the clinic says she nevr heard of it before and suggested Iodine Tincture.

Can help?

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Used to see in Guardian and the like. Actually many yrs ago already - in house-brand bottle. Nowadays they are more keen to sell branded multi-purpose antiseptics like betadine?

Check with Centerpoint Guardian - if they don't have, likely no one will have. Alternative - hospital pharmacies.

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I think most LFS sells package products which are pricier than the actual lugol's solution. I know Kent Marine have it.

I was hoping that maybe we could find some pharmacy in Singapore selling them cuz it would defintely be cheaper than LFS. :D

What I know is that we only need to add 1 drop of lugol per 25gal which means a bottle of US$15 will last us much longer than a bottle of Kent. :blink:

Maybe some reefers here can ask around for friends in the Pharmaceuticals industries for lobang. ;)

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Ya loh, I guess, we have to pay for Kent or Tropic Marine. My friend who works in the clinic came back to me with only Iodine Tincture.

In case there are any brothers thinking of using Iodine Tincture, I have read somewhere that it contain alcohol thus will be fatal to our babies.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Don't even think about using Iodine Tincture. It IS iodine dissolved in aqueous ethanol.


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I should be able to order from US for you guys if you wan but limited quantities. You go check out the prices and see if satisfactory then get back to me. :)

I used to get them from Marine Depot.

Do add the delivery charges for delivery to local address in States. :) You incur your own delivery. ;)

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I should be able to order from US for you guys if you wan but limited quantities. You go check out the prices and see if satisfactory then get back to me. :)

I used to get them from Marine Depot.

Do add the delivery charges for delivery to local address in States. :) You incur your own delivery. ;)

Good idea! Maybe Sis, you can let us know the price so that we could order with you. ;)

By the way, I will be going San Fransisco in June, maybe I can get it too from the pharmacy there. By the way, anyone knows whether SF's pharmacies have any retrictions? I read that certain states forbid the selling of Lugol off the shelves. :D

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I put two bottles into my luggage back then when I came back from States in Dec. :) Anyway, I will not be coordinating the purchase as I am not getting anymore.

Just pay me the price accordingly plus delivery charges as mentioned by the website. In the exact USD also can.

All I wan to do is to go to the website and order for you if you wan and then pass youthe items somewhere mid June. ;)

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Thanks for the info. ;)

By the way sis, where you get your lugols? You got those package for marine usage or those direct from pharmacy? Where in the states you got it from?

I really hope I can get them direct from SF's pharmacy cuz from what I gather the saving is quite alot. Any comments?

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Getting imported Lugol's from USA?

That's just extravagant!


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Getting imported Lugol's from USA?

That's just extravagant!

Is it true? So you mean the lugol's in Singapore is cheaper? I thought in Singapore we can only get lugol's from packaged brand such as Kent, WM, Tropic Marine which cost about $28. :o

And I heard we can get pharmacy grade lugol in some pharmacy in US for a much lower price. Can advise? :thanks:

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By the way sis, where you get your lugols? You got those package for marine usage or those direct from pharmacy? Where in the states you got it from?

I really hope I can get them direct from SF's pharmacy cuz from what I gather the saving is quite alot. Any comments?

I got them from Marine websites... :)

I took some time in hunting them down in Singapore but to no avail back then... :(

Now I heard that it is easily available in LFS... :angry:

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Hi Sis, USD7 is still much cheaper than SGD28 right? So I guess we should get from the states websites or in order to save time and delivery charges, buy them off the shelves when we happens to be in the states.

Thank for your advises, I have read your posts and I know you are someone who is good with getting the best deals. :-)

Hope to meet you in person one of these days.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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WAH LAU!!! I have been flamed!!! :evil::evil::evil:

No such thing lah...II spend a lot of money on the stuff lah...where got cheap!? :P

Anyway, see ya...logging off liao...rushing to meet a favourite lfs uncle with a pauch bigger than mine... :lol::lol::lol:

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"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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