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WTS Decommed Marine misc stuffs


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Whatspp 93266965 for fast deal. Deal at my place CCK only. FCFS

1.) 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft Tank set c/w cabinet & sump tank (back side cabinet laminate torn at a small area and some small drilled holes. Cabinet backside will faced the wall anyway) - $100 (transportation on you)

2.) Deltec skimmer 1455 - $100

3.) Hydra 26 HD (2 sets)  - $300 per set. Take 2 sets at $550. Take #3/4/5 as a bundle at $500.

4.)DD light rail for 2 ft - $40

5.)DD light hanging kit (steel wires) - $50

6.) Skimz calcium reactor CR93 - $120

7.) ATS (from China) - $50

8.) Fish trap box - $15

9.) Reeftech bio-pellet reactor mini 70X - $40

10.) Ehiem fish feeder - $60

11.) Water storage container c/w float switch - $30

12.)Media canister - $20 each (Left from madpetz. Right from Henry)

13.) DI resin (unopened) - $55

14.) Magnavore magnet cleaner Model 55G - $30

15.) Pinpoint calibration fluid pH 4/ 7 / 10 - Take all at $6

16.) Misc (Take bundle a to e at $40. Take bundle f to i at $30)

a. NYOS test kit Alkalinity EXP 01/2020 (90%)- $10

b. NYOS test kit Calcium EXP 01/2020 (90%) - $10

c. NYOS test kit Phosphate EXP 01/2019 (40 to 50%) - $10

d. NYOS test kit Carbonate Hardness EXP 01/2019 (90%) - $10

e. NYOS test kit NO3 EXP 06/2012 (10 to 20%) - $10

f. Salifert test kit kH/Alk EXP 10/2021 (60 to 70%) - $10

g. Salifert test kit Magnesium EXP 02/2019 (60 to 70%) - $10

h. Salifert test kit pH EXP 07/2019 (40 to 50%) - $10

i. Salifert test kit Calcium EXP 09/2019 (40%) - $10

j. Aquacraft dKH buffer 2 (balanced 90%) - $10

k. Aquacraft Mg 3 (balanced 95%) - $10

l. Seachem Calcium (unopened) - $20

m. Chemi Clean (used once only) - $15

n. AquaForest PO4 minus 1L (balanced 90%) - $30

o. Hanna (for PO4 checker) glass cuvette 2 nos (brand new without caps) - $10 each. Take 2 at $18

p. Phosphorous ULR reagents HI 736-25 (14 pkts). Take all at $6



















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