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Deltect 600ix Skimmer- Short Review


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Deltect 600ix Skimmer- Short Review


Just a very short review, nothing fancy and straight to the point.

Deltec 600ix AC protein skimmer

The main key points of this new skimmer are:

1. The price: This is my 3rd Deltec Skimmer and their performance never fail. My first skimmer of similar size is a whopping $1000 and now it cost at half the price. $495 to be exact. Despite the 50% price reduction, the quality remain the same......typical German quality.

2. The overflow system: The new skimmer has a very useful "overflow" features. In the event of a sudden "over reacting skimming" you will not get "over foaming on your collection cup". They have a side pipe that raises the water level to Automatically cut off the foaming. This is very useful when you are not around to attend to your problem. I have experienced it once, when the over foaming was so bad that it drain off my sump water, causing my return pump to break down and creating havoc.

3. The performance: What I like about Deltec is the tuning, you don't have to tune like hell. Just tune it once and forget about it and it will work wonderfully.



This is my few days of skimming in my new tank.

Conclusion: With a 50% price reduction, it's a no brainier. The "overflow" system itself is a great reason to buy!


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Deltect 600ix Skimmer- Short Review
Just a very short review, nothing fancy and straight to the point.

Deltec 600ix AC protein skimmer

The main key points of this new skimmer are:

1. The price: This is my 3rd Deltec Skimmer and their performance never fail. My first skimmer of similar size is a whopping $1000 and now it cost at half the price. $495 to be exact. Despite the 50% price reduction, the quality remain the same......typical German quality.

2. The overflow system: The new skimmer has a very useful "overflow" features. In the event of a sudden "over reacting skimming" you will not get "over foaming on your collection cup". They have a side pipe that raises the water level to Automatically cut off the foaming. This is very useful when you are not around to attend to your problem. I have experienced it once, when the over foaming was so bad that it drain off my sump water, causing my return pump to break down and creating havoc.

3. The performance: What I like about Deltec is the tuning, you don't have to tune like hell. Just tune it once and forget about it and it will work wonderfully.



This is my few days of skimming in my new tank.

Conclusion: With a 50% price reduction, it's a no brainier. The "overflow" system itself is a great reason to buy!

Can share where you get your skimmer from?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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