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help pls, my frend need it on ich advice

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  • SRC Member

Read in a good book that you can go down all the way to 1.010 without harm to the fish... But yes, do it gradually by removing some salt water every day and replacing it with fresh water.

Oh, and this works ok with the fish, but not so sure about the impact on bugs and good bacteria on the LR. I did this in a QT tank.

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  • SRC Member

my frend just call me. say ich got improved, but not too much. hmmz his fishes still eating . but see them quite poor thing . now his one is 1.014, wether can ask to lower to 1.013 or 1.012? will affect too much? i dont really go beyond in my type. he want the fish to fast cure, wait longer, the fishes will :angel: .

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  • SRC Member

let it remain like tat for a week or so....ich dun come and go like fever....its like chicken pox, need lotsa time...pls be patient....dun do too many things to stress the fishes....feed them a lot, feed with different food, and with garlic + vitamins too....i advise to let it remain for at least a month....

keep water as clean as possible...might wanna use some carbon, poly filter etc to keep the water clean, though it will not help the ich but will make the water more favourable thus less stressful....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

hi another report on my frend tank , he told me that his salinity is at 1.012 for one month liao, but still got white spots. not so many , but really are they very strong in living less salinity .he quite worried. coz still havent disappear ler. 1 month still some spots there . they still are there. anyone can explain? :( .thought will remove all the parasites in 3 weeks soon coz ich cant really stand at that extreme low salinity.

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Is the ich killing the fish? If it is not don't worry too much. I've heard of more cases of fish dying during drastic treatments than being left alone.. Just use treatments that don't stress the fish further.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

he doing hytosalinity since one month already Fuel. his damsel (big) has lot of this white spots on its body. it wont gone away, but some of his fishes either cure or left little white spots. so far no fish die since a month . but he worry of his damsel coz he keep at least about a year ..... , but still actively swimming and eating even though his body got wounds on his body and still got lot of white spots. the wounds come from where? how to heal it? can put any healing liquid for the wounds? :ph34r:

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  • SRC Member

U mentioned ur fren doin hypo at 1.012. How accurate r u or him with this readin?(usin swingarm, floatin hydrometer or lab grade refractometer)

Is hypo done in a quarantine tank or main tank (with LRs?).


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

he live only my next door . neighbour .using lab grade type. main tank with Lr only coz the ich start from the main tank .

so any next plan. just let the low salinity to be there for months and wait and see ar?

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  • SRC Member

If i were ur fren, i would remove all fishes and place them in hospital tank w/o any sand and LRs. Reduce salinity in hospital tank to 1.010 base on refractometer. In the meanwhile leave the main tank fishless and space out all the LRs and provide lots of flow in the tank for at least a mth and durin this period those fishes can be treated in the hospital tank. If hav UV, i would run it along side with the hospital tank.

Treatin ICH in main tank is difficult even if u reduce salinity coz remembered readin before regardin ICH parasite livin in low flow area like among rock works and they infects the fishes when they rest in this caves/ holes among the LRs in the nite.


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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