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help pls, my frend need it on ich advice

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  • SRC Member

hi , my frend keep a marine tank with 6 fishes . now all his fish got ich. i told him to do hyposalinity.how to reduce salinity alot by a week ? i got do salnity in my case before. orginal was 1.021 . then i reduce to 1.018, all my ich gone my 5 days .

need help on hyposalinity. his one only got fishes .but his fishes got eat due to ich. feeding garlic. but sure take long to recover from garlic. from my case , hyposalinity is the fatest way.

explain to me more on salinity. :rolleyes:

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he can take out the fishes from the tank..

do a freshwater dip..or in my case previously, 50-50 salt/fresh.

ensure same temperature/ph to reduce the stress, a dip from

a few minutes is enuff.

or remove some salt water from the tank, replace with fresh water..

the parasites on the fishes does not do as well on their osmosis transition from salt to fresh water, so alot of die off..

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  • SRC Member

salinity level drop, water potential increases... the ich parasite is thus hypertonic to the surrounding waters.. thus water enters the parasite through osmosis... the difference in water potential is so great that a lot of water enter the parasite... soon, the ich parasite bursts... damning it to kingdom come!!! :yeah:

Live and Let Live

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  • SRC Member
hi , my frend keep a marine tank with 6 fishes . now all his fish got ich. i told him to do hyposalinity.how to reduce salinity alot by a week ? i got do salnity in my case before. orginal was 1.021 . then i reduce to 1.018, all my ich gone my 5 days .

need help on hyposalinity. his one only got fishes .but his fishes got eat due to ich. feeding garlic. but sure take long to recover from garlic. from my case , hyposalinity is the fatest way.

explain to me more on salinity. :rolleyes:

Lowering salinity is not the way to go.

You will just do more harm to the live stock. It will bring them into a shock condition.

Ich is a sign of your livestock being stress up, which may due to many reasons.

It could be the fish condition itself , water spec , many more.

No one reply to your "HELP" dont mean that your are hated...

There is also a topic on Salinity here being spoken before just do a search and plenty of information in the web,

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  • SRC Member

hmmz, reeferz maybe i understand u, coz my frend is only fish with rock only, but websites and some reefers say doing hyposalinity does kill ich and relieve stress to fishes. so maybe other reefers can explain what reefez said?

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  • SRC Member
hmmz, reeferz maybe i understand u, coz my frend is only fish with rock only, but websites and some reefers say doing hyposalinity does kill ich and relieve stress to fishes. so maybe other reefers can explain what reefez said?

Why don’t you advise you friend to house the ich infected fish into another tank and treat them with medication.

There are some pretty good ones on sale at Marine Life.

And i am woon ming not reefez. <_< thx.

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  • SRC Member

ok, anyway it is not me . i still got two fish got ich. but my frend worst. almost all . he dont want medication. he damn stubborn . only want to do hyposalinity. he dont have quartine tank. only focus on hyposalinity. thanks alot on wooming and other reefers. :lol:

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  • SRC Member

vicky, try to reduce the salinity gradually everyday until it reaches about 1.015, don't do it in a single day...

doing it gradually will not stress the fishes....then let it remain like tat for 1mth to clear away all the ich.....

the temperature should also be higher than normal, make it like 29degreeC or even 30, ich don't do well in high temperature.

the important thing is to let it remain for at least 1mth....to really clear off all the parasite....

this might help...


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  • SRC Member

actually dun need to remain for 1 month lah... 1 week should ensure that all of them die...

and about them not being able to survive in higher temperatures, its actually on the contrary... their lifecycle is accelerated in higher temperatures as their metabolism increases... alll corals, fishes and invertebrates alike...

Live and Let Live

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  • SRC Member

the high temp is to shorten the cycle of the ich... what u kill normally is those free swimming and those that r on the fishes what about those unhatched.... therefore they up the temp to fasten their livecycle so that we can kill them faster

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  • SRC Member

ermm .. i had my ich out break a few weeeks back .. treat with medication also no use .. lots of fishes died .. and the so call reef safe medication kill one of my fav coral..

so a friend advice to stop the medication and treat with garlic guard...

soak the food in garlic guard before feeding .. let the fishes fight the ich themself .. the garlicguard will make the fishes stronger against ich ...

but i used fresh minces galic sauce to mix with the fish food .. after eating the mixture for 2 days .. all the iches under control...

not too sure if this is rite .. but just to share my experiences..

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  • SRC Member

hmm, give my best frend my garlic guard. now combination of garlic and hyposalinity wil do the job ? now his one flame angel got like bitten marks. i went and saw his house at 8pm. damn :sick: , so for him how long must wait. thanks alot of reefers. ich is known to be main cause diseases :angry: . i told him about the advices.

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  • SRC Member

Vicky ich will come and go, like human flu bug.

They appear when the fishes are weak or stress.

Thus it would be better if you advise your friend to find the root of the problem rather than trying to cure the ich.

If he is willing to pay there is some non copper base medication i see selling at Marine Life. Maybe you could ask Henry for advise as you did mention he is your long time friend...

My 2 cents.

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  • SRC Member

henry will advise u best solution is the same as woon ming's advice. ur friend will still be stubborn? maybe and say bye bye to his fishes and corals. btw pls tell him to kiss the fishes 1st incase they depart without telling him, LOL

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  • SRC Member

hmmz, rockfish, u say feed garlic guard everyday , yes i got feed when they have not got ich, then introduce new fish, that fish spread ich, maybe the rest havent got ich, but later they will still get ich , but not that bad. i think hyposalinity the best. medicine not so effective, must depend the brand. :)

rockfish i mean no harm, anyway my idiot frend never feed garlic, i just pass to him the garlic guard. seem up to him when i visit henry later .

anyway where to find a good cleaner wrasse with good quality but not so expensive?

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  • SRC Member

I has a very bad incident of ICH before that was triggered with an addition of a powder brown tang. Whole tank was wiped out and left the tang void of fishes for a month to ensure that the parasite is eliminated. Also put in an ozone generator 24/7 to help with the eradication of the parasite..

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