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Raising and breeding the banggai cardinalfish


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  • 3 weeks later...

Theorectically you should be able to ###### a male from a female by its larger head for brooding babies (or the other way round? not sure..)..but I guess it would be very difficult to do so..

Best if you purchase them in a group and hope for the best. A good number would be 5. That should increase the chances alot that you have at least a pair.

Always something more important than fish.


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hmm...will try to see if I can distinguish it that way...but they look really really similar ley..:P

my tank too small to have 5 inside lar...haha...I just bought two only...if and when I finally figure out how to ###### them, I might trade one if I find I have two of the same gender.

I was at the shop the other day looking at the show tank which had 5(I think) pyjamas in there...tried looking at the dorsal fin (for banggais the male has a longer dorsal fin), but all of them had roughly similar lengths of dorsal fins so I guess that may not be a reliable way.

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