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Blue Face Angel

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Hi All,

Any experience to share in keeping blue face angel? Is it easy to keep and is 3ft tank big enough for juv one? Thanks.

No......... IMO for large angel, a tank ard 5feet is needed....BF wun be happy in a 3 feet and FYI BF is not easy to keep...... A mature tank is needed and they are definately not for newbies(like me)....... They are not reef safe too

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is my wife's blue face angel from her FOWLR tank.....

IM Exp........get the juv.. better chance of survival....bigger ones tend to do badly (some are cynide collected)

An aggressive fish...you got to prepare to upgrade for the guy when he grows up....we are currently planning our 6ft FOWLR just for these angels in her tank.....


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  • 3 weeks later...

IMHO blue face is one of the easiet big angel, BF rating is as easy as koran, annularis, and six-banded angel. Actually emperor and majestic is the more difficult big angel. But one thing FYI, BF is "very aggresive" angel, that dare to fight with other angel even bigger thatn him and fight until the new one is dying. I kept one for about 4 years, but i donate him to my sea world because he is very aggresive, you know he almost kill my Asfur. Just find the healthy and pay a reaction when you see the fish, is the fish is easy to catch, better ignore it.

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IMHO blue face is one of the easiet big angel, BF rating is as easy as koran, annularis, and six-banded angel. Actually emperor and majestic is the more difficult big angel. But one thing FYI, BF is "very aggresive" angel, that dare to fight with other angel even bigger thatn him and fight until the new one is dying. I kept one for about 4 years, but i donate him to my sea world because he is very aggresive, you know he almost kill my Asfur. Just find the healthy and pay a reaction when you see the fish, is the fish is easy to catch, better ignore it.

Bro, how much you paid for your Asfur?? :off:

Vincent Ho :thanks:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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