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Roidan's Reef (II)


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Roidan....ever counted how many fishes u have in your tank?? from the threads, i speculate that it has way pass 30....any clue??

easily, my anthias alone are more than 30...but i netted some out to give away recently when i added my AT in......coz AT is really a big fellow, and the amount of waste he adds is tremendous

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haha then you better forget it.... Anyway someone is looking for one for his display tank

but the other guy going to pay 10K for the gemmatum? aiyo...

then i rather use the 10K to fill the tank with black tangs...haha

seriously, the price of gemmatum in the states should be around USD1k plus to 2k plus, but how to ship over.

so the guy u know going to pay 10k to the lfs ah...wah..the lfs must be smiling all the way to the bank :lol:


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Go for SQ A340, direct 16hrs, not too bad :P

haha...idea...but dunno must do alot of paperwork or not....sigh

if the LFF bringing in at a fair price, seriously can consider...

u buy also lah..we buy 2 maybe got discount...put in your 2ft cube :yeah:

anyway, any bro's blackcaps are out swimming in the open? din see mine swimming in the open <_<

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haha...idea...but dunno must do alot of paperwork or not....sigh

if the LFF bringing in at a fair price, seriously can consider...

u buy also lah..we buy 2 maybe got discount...put in your 2ft cube :yeah:

anyway, any bro's blackcaps are out swimming in the open? din see mine swimming in the open <_<

not much paper work. But they will made you drink the water to ensure that the 'solution' will not explode. send the fish thru X-ray....to ensure no electronic stuff is inside the fish.. :lol::lol::lol:

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but the other guy going to pay 10K for the gemmatum? aiyo...

then i rather use the 10K to fill the tank with black tangs...haha

seriously, the price of gemmatum in the states should be around USD1k plus to 2k plus, but how to ship over.

so the guy u know going to pay 10k to the lfs ah...wah..the lfs must be smiling all the way to the bank :lol:

henry can help u bring in .. :lol::D

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