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Roidan's Reef (II)


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the ever so popular coco worm :)

i remember there was one time stocks were so dry till everyone jumped with excitement at the word cocoworm....then months passed and the market was flooded with them and then they were left in some obscure corners in some lfs...

I got 3pcs.. all upz the lorry..

some more jump out of the tube n swim ard..

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bro bwilly,

they normally do not leave their hard tubes...i had 3 cocoworms since quite some time back....2 are still with me....

what happened to the one was that as i was transferring then worms from tank to tank...i accidentally broke the hard shell of the cocoworm and exposed the half of the worm.....

i felt so bad i couldn't find the mood to eat lunch that day...

end up my fren came to pass me some stuff and then he took it home with him...

but it din survive long after....i dun think breaking the shell was fatal according to what i read about them...

but i really have to admit my mistake in breaking its shell, i could almost feel the pain when i saw the exposed part of the worm... :(

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my tank was quite bad..

after my reservist training, the tank was been deteriorating..

I got a few red ones n normal white ones..

the reservist training cost me quite bad.. clams, corals..

dunno wat's the damage dun dare to tik.

so i am going to write a list of suei suei things to do list for

my wife.

(that time nite off, I drive back home to feed fish, wife thought

I come back visit her..hehe..)

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i think it's normal that you get more excited/worried about your tank coz i guess your wife can take care of herself much better than your tank can take care of itself...hehe..

no need to worry she get angry lah...you bake nice cakes and cookies....melts in her mouth...all the way to her heart :wub:

the most you tell her...the best part about your reef is her, coz she is the mermaid that even the tank cannot hold her beauty in it ;)

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:off: hehe...nvm larh...its okiee... solve liao..using my special doptu adding of liquids.... really very nice leh... your tank... enough...enough... see liao nose will bleed..hehe..joking..no offence.. love your PQ very much too..you bought it from CF issit ? :peace:
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i think it's normal that you get more excited/worried about your tank coz i guess your wife can take care of herself much better than your tank can take care of itself...hehe..

no need to worry she get angry lah...you bake nice cakes and cookies....melts in her mouth...all the way to her heart  :wub: 

the most you tell her...the best part about your reef is her, coz she is the mermaid that even the tank cannot hold her beauty in it  ;)

sat onz bo.. ?

go CF.. I want to get some macroalgae..

see got any "ho kai seow bo"..

free can drop by my place after tat..

your wording veri suei..(good) but pamper abit must at times b more firm.

if not kenna wack upside n pull ears, kneel durian husk.. haha..

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