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Roidan's Reef (II)


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wah...see the base you also can determine fatness ah.... :P

yeah..sometimes when the tangs swim with their tails facing me, that's when you can see that their body is indeed very thick :)

only my BT can fight with your chervon in terms of pui pui. Nevermind I will make sure all of them catch up with yours soon.

Sat/Sun and evening I will feed once every 30mins.

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only my BT can fight with your chervon in terms of pui pui. Nevermind I will make sure all of them catch up with yours soon.

Sat/Sun and evening I will feed once every 30mins.

Wah!!! You making tang pooh to sell like how the zoo does with their animals har??? :eyebrow::eyebrow:

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Who don't want their tang to be so fat and healthy? Errm..... maybe tang got heart disease cos too fat but then still so fat and cute and nice to look at! What can a bit of white spot do to them?? Nothing man.

Of course if you try to feed so much and your system cannot handle it then prepare for a algae jungle :P

BTW I loved that chervon funny look photo. As if it's starring at some other stuffs.

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Who don't want their tang to be so fat and healthy? Errm..... maybe tang got heart disease cos too fat but then still so fat and cute and nice to look at! What can a bit of white spot do to them?? Nothing man.

actually the original photos you send to me damn clear man....can even see the skin textures of the tangs..which unfortunately will be too big to be posted here...

got white spot or not..easily can see hor...

heng i think got no significant white spots around ...phew..otherwise spoil the photo shooot today :)

but if your bazooka caused them to stress and show me white spots tomorrow...i roll over your D70 next time i see you with it :lol:

yeah man...heng my skimmers are up to the task, but i relieved the load of the skimmers by some other decisions to lighten the loading of the tank till my monster comes..hehe

yeah...the chevron shot is very good....once in a lifetime kind of expression..i am using it for my signature photo now :)

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i often feed my fishes till they are quite used to seeing people around already...

but today you aim a rocket launcher at them...so they turn more panicky....but if you feel that they are already quite cooperative, imagine their willingness to pose for me when you are not around..hehe...

the yellow tang is a damn interesting character, the fiercest bully of newcomers, but is afraid of humans the most, me included :lol:

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the yellow tang is a damn interesting character, the fiercest bully of newcomers, but is afraid of humans the most, me included :lol:

I have to agree with that statement. :lol: Aiya..too bad sold off already... :angel:

Always something more important than fish.


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just so happens maybe they know they are more photogenic at that angle... :lol:

so they slow down in that direction for you to snap...then they faster u-turn at the end of the tank and the swim to the other end, u-turn again..and then do a slow swim at that angle once again for you... :P

kidding lah....

i also dunno why :)

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no more AH Black anymore :( .....Putting in Professor X instead???? :unsure:

maybe not bro :)

will try to wait for a bigger black next time so that can stand up to the YT and look straight in his eyes and say *look here fellow zebrasoma....i am not a pushover...now it's your turn to face the dark* :lol:

anyway, din make a loss releasing him as i told you, so i felt quite happy that at least he can find another tank that hopefully he can swim openly and not keep hiding...which isn't good long term wise to keep hiding also...hope i made the right decision

the prof i think keep in my room lah.....at most....if the 2ft cube is up, then put prof inside the 2ft cube...with the gem tang? wow, that would be a dream :)

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true tru....you definitely have the most impressive collection of tangs around :lol:

thanks bro...

no lah...many low profile reefers around with greater tanks and greater tangs...hehe

I am just 班门弄斧 in here....meaning just fooling around in here with my amateur reef trying to make it look pro :P

ok bro...soon i will ask you to come up my place with your Canon G5..

and a series of photos called...

Roidan's Reef with Deepblue's Canon G5.....

I will be very honoured to have your presence standing in front of my reef :)

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