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HELP!!! fish sorta losing colour....


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hi all...

its been a week since i started the dosage.... i just noticed that my true percula's colour is kinda faded.... and i just found the body of my Naso Tang :( wad i wanna ask is that... is it normal that my clown lost its originally bright orange... my Flame angel is ok..... the colour not faded....

what should i do!?! stop dosing or what? :( pls help... dun wanna tio another tank crash..... :cry:

:thanks: in advance...

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Check your test kits first, certain brands have reliability/accuracy problems.

AZ-NO3 will cause the oxygen levels to drop as part of the working process... your fishes will feel slightly stressed.

Drop an airstone in to rectify this temporary imbalance until treatment is over.

I hope you're using a good skimmer with it to export out the nitrates coz it won't work without a skimmer. You should have smelly kopi-o with AZ-NO3.

And your water circulation must be adequate too.

My 2 cents,


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