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Seachem Marine Buffer


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  • SRC Member

Heard that it uses borates to maintain the required pH level. Am i correct Tanzy? I'm remembered he said something like that, yes its good in maintaining pH levels, but IMO if you can maintain dkH levels above 8, your pH level should be rather stable?

I'm using that and pH has been stable, but now worried about ionic imbalance kinda stuffs.

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  • SRC Member

If you look at the Seachem website, it says that Reef Buffer doesn't have borates, but when I look at the crystals of the salt, it had the unmistakable needle like crystals of borates. Oh, did I mention that my borate level goes up after using it. ;) You decide...

Borates are good to have. They are used as pH buffers because unlike carbonates, they don't get used up. You'll want to maintain about 1-1.5 meq/L of borate alkalinity in the tank for stable pH around 8.3. Borates can buildup to toxic level because their levels don't get depleted. Also they can be poisonous if used with ozone, that's why salts don't have borates because they want to sell to public aquariums who use ozone.

I'll recommend keeping dKH 10, 8 is at the lower limit.

I use Reef Buffer for years already, but I don't dose it regularly and I do monitor my borate levels. Another product worth noting is Kent Superbuffer dKH or something.


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  • SRC Member

Tanzy> Thanks for the reply. Heh.. :) ..so I went and got myself a bottle after reading some stuff..I figure won't hurt to try in moderation.

you mentioned the site says that the buffer no borate, but my bottle says have trace amounts of borates leh..I'll keep what you said in mind about the borates not being used up. I think if that's the case I'll just use the buffer during the water change. Top up just clean water only, no need put buffer.

I'm trying to bump my alk up, but going is quite slow, will prob add the buffer slowly over next two weeks, hopefully things improve.

Oh, and like fishfreak, would also like to know what you use to measure your borate levels please.. :bow:

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  • SRC Member

There's a Salifert Boron testkit which I've never used before. I use the Seachem Alkalinity testkit which includes a borate alkalinity test inside.


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