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Ph , ammonia ,nitrite & nitrate

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I was having problems 2 days ago with nitrate @80ppm .

After changing of 30% water , it was at 40ppm

I went ahead to buy , phos - zorb ( a media that removes phosphates .)

& nitra - zorb ( media to remove aquarium toxins , such as ammonia , nitrite & nitrate . )

Re adjusting of my redstarfish skimmer .

And let it run over a day .

Nitrate now @ 0ppm .

Nitrite now @ 0ppm

Ammonia @ 0ppm

high range ph @ 7.8 - 8.0


I have corals in my tank and I know it’s important to have a level of 8.2 - 8.5 ph , but ever since I added phos-zorb & nitra-zorb . My ph was originally at 9.0 , and now at 7.8 - 8.0


It’s kind of a huge different and I’m afraid my corals won’t be healthy . Any recommendations ?


I tried adding Red Sea salt , to no advantage .

More than 8 table spoon of salt was added and my corals had a huge shock , they had slime over them .


I’m new to this hobby and wish to know more on how to maintain my PH level .




Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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7.8-8 pH is just fine. Definitely safer than a ph of 9 which is too high. The highest end of the spectrum is 8.5 and he lowest is 7.8 for a stable range.


Generally the ideal value is 8.3 only if you’re going for fastest possible coral growth. Otherwise, as long as your pH doesn’t dip below 7.8, it should be alright.


What substrate are you using, if any? High quality sand(aragonite, sand from a reef/coral skeletons) will help to maintain a higher pH range in both small and large systems.


Having a refugium with macroalgae that operates on an inverse light cycle(i.e refugium lights come on display lights go off) and using the bubbling method can also help prevent pH swings(especially at night). You can read up more about the latter two if you’re interested, but they tend to work only if applied consistently.


Hope this helps in some way



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  • SRC Member
2 hours ago, xredellahayes said:


I was having problems 2 days ago with nitrate @80ppm .

After changing of 30% water , it was at 40ppm

I went ahead to buy , phos - zorb ( a media that removes phosphates .)

& nitra - zorb ( media to remove aquarium toxins , such as ammonia , nitrite & nitrate . )

Re adjusting of my redstarfish skimmer .

And let it run over a day .

Nitrate now @ 0ppm .

Nitrite now @ 0ppm

Ammonia @ 0ppm

high range ph @ 7.8 - 8.0


I have corals in my tank and I know it’s important to have a level of 8.2 - 8.5 ph , but ever since I added phos-zorb & nitra-zorb . My ph was originally at 9.0 , and now at 7.8 - 8.0


It’s kind of a huge different and I’m afraid my corals won’t be healthy . Any recommendations ?


I tried adding Red Sea salt , to no advantage .

More than 8 table spoon of salt was added and my corals had a huge shock , they had slime over them .


I’m new to this hobby and wish to know more on how to maintain my PH level .




Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Hi bro, what’s ur salinity. If it’s already at 1.024-.1026 range I think it’s ok. 8 scoops of salt at one go can be too much. As mentioned by bro soggycookies. Ur PH is fine. Any change you want to make must be small and not drastic change. Btw, what test kits are u using. I will encourage you use Red Sea, NYOS or salifert. Of course if Budget is not an issue, Hanna will be best lol

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Hi bro, what’s ur salinity. If it’s already at 1.024-.1026 range I think it’s ok. 8 scoops of salt at one go can be too much. As mentioned by bro soggycookies. Ur PH is fine. Any change you want to make must be small and not drastic change. Btw, what test kits are u using. I will encourage you use Red Sea, NYOS or salifert. Of course if Budget is not an issue, Hanna will be best lol

I’m using api saltwater test kit , seen a number of ppl using it and gave good review .
My salinity is at 1.026 .

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1 hour ago, xredellahayes said:


I’m using api saltwater test kit , seen a number of ppl using it and gave good review .
My salinity is at 1.026 .

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


If I remember correctly, you have a PH buffer as part of the package you bought. If you think its too low, you may want to try that. PH fluctuations throughout the day is normal. As long as it doesn't fall below a certain level. Do bear in mind that you tank volume is about 100L. Any change can be pretty drastic, sometimes doing do much may do more harm. My 2 cents bro.

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