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Hope you all could help me with this. I intend to shift my 3 feet tank to another 3 feet tank. This time around, I will be using bio-filter tank instead of my old canister filter. Recently, my tank started giving problems:

1. My old coral refused to "open" (abt 2 week liao)

2. My fox coral just passed away. (It had not open for a week then died)

3. Now my new coral added to my tank also refuse to "open"

4. Another two of my corals also died

I quickly remove all the died corals when I scene something wrong with it. And do a 10% change of water. But it does not help. I have measure my water parameter NH3/NH4 is 0, No2 is 0 and No3 is 20 ppm. So I really do not know wat happen. Now I intend to shift my my remaining corals and fish to a new tank. So can I use back the LR or to get new ones?? And is it true it is not recommended to use canister filter to running marine tank??


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  • SRC Member

canister filter serves almost the same purpose as any other filter medium...the trouble is the washing of the mediums used...

do not shift anything into your new tank until at least the sand is mature (cycling)....use your old LRs, they haf the beneficial bacteria already, buying new ones will require curing,unless u get from fellow reefers..

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corals die due to several reasons

1) high temperature, recently the heat waves are here...max temperature for corals to survive is 29degreeC....to thrive at most 25degreeC.wat cooling method are u using

2) high nitrate (i think its max 20) but always try to leave it below 10

3) low salinity, corals don't do well in low salinity, at least about 1.021, i think, i always leave it at 1.022

4) light, insuffient light might be also another cause of killing them slowly.wat lighting are u using

5) fodd, insuffient food might be also another cause of killing them slowly.are u dosing DT or any other forms of coral food?

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  • SRC Member
i think its due to the shock of the sudden,new environment.my frogspawn has been like than for almost 2 months and half of it is dead.try not to move em around too much.

i believe he has not shifted the corals b4 they die.i think he has 2 seperate questions

1) y corals die

2) advises on new tanks.

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  • SRC Member

Do you have any fish like boxfish that release toxins, died in your tank? or the recent death of an anemone or nudriband? These creatures release toxins when they die or under extreme stres.

I suggest you do a major water change, like 50% today nad another 50% a couple of days later but mix the salt and water with an air stone at least 24 hours before using them.

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typrobin, sorry but i don't really think it is very accurate to say that max temp for corals to survive is 29C and to thrive is 25C. I believe some reefs are around the 28,29C region..esp those in the Phillippines..

Then again, if temperature was a factor, maybe it was the sudden change in it rather than the temperature itself. Maybe, just maybe..

My 2 cents...

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  • SRC Member
typrobin, sorry but i don't really think it is very accurate to say that max temp for corals to survive is 29C and to thrive is 25C. I believe some reefs are around the 28,29C region..esp those in the Phillippines..

Then again, if temperature was a factor, maybe it was the sudden change in it rather than the temperature itself. Maybe, just maybe..

My 2 cents...

hhhmmm....yup quite true....i believe it is the recent heat waves....dun u find the weather extremely intolerable? even the generators shut down due to overheating.... :lol::lol::lol:

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Hi, Guy

Thanks for the advice. Sorry I never make my question clearly. First of all I have not shift anything out of my old 3 feet tank. I intend to do that that is why I am here seeking for advice.

I using a cooling fan to bring down the temp and normally it is abt 26-27.6. My PH is 8.0. As for light, I am using 2 20W T8 1 white n 1 blue. And 2 25W T8 1 bule n 1 chilli red.

Bro typrobin was right abt my topic. I never add any medication b4. I feed my coral every alternate night using either chopped market prawn or liquid food. I did not keep any Boxfish. Mostly clown and damselfish. I heard some LSF saying canister filter is not suitable for marine tank, is it true??

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Suitability is actually quite subjective...if you don't have a sump then a canister is quite useful. However, I do feel that having an overflow system is much more convenient. Shucks...i don't have one lehh...

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duno really get in depth details..

if u use back the same media (w/o washing) n LRs are shifted almost immediately, then not a major problem.

specific details on temperature, other additional equipments are also veri important. (location of new tank, load of fishes also..)

like your heading, your info to request for input is not enuff.. ppl can offer u just general advise from guesswork.

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