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Sirius' Rimless Shallow Mixed Reef


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2 hours ago, nuclear_fibre said:


Haha I think it’s the photography skills of@reefsg... I have the same camera but couldn’t come up with half the quality.

Your tank’s turning out nicely too! emoji4.png where are your updates?! I wanna see the latest fts!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


After seeing ur tank, I am too embarrass to post pics :lol:

Actually nothing much to update also

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How you prevent brown algae from ur tank ?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Hi yuzz, I think it will help if you cycle ur rocks properly before stocking. My rocks in the tank now were filled with LR from my previous setup, and new rocks I actually bought dry/dead rocks from fellow reefers, then bleached, dried, soaked and then kept running in a 60l drum filled with my tank water (which comes from the 40l of water that are removed weekly during water changes) for 8 weeks before they went into this current tank.

I suspect this could possibly be the reason I don’t have brown algae on my rocks as they are populated w bacteria and cycled when they are introduced. But I still have diatoms on my sand which I remove with a gravel cleaner upon advice from subzero.

Hope this helps :)

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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  • SRC Member
10 hours ago, nuclear_fibre said:


Every tank is unique! And definitely the apple of the owner’s eyes! I like how you arrange ur corals neatly with a great eye for placement! emoji4.png

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Thank you for ur kind words. I am still taking very baby steps n learning. Hoping not to make any major mistakes along the way. 

Btw another nice pic of acan! 

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