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Trigger fish

Reza Rahim

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IMHO I would say Zero to One. But it really depends on which species and the individual fish (as some can be as small as three inches). Most triggerfish need a lot of space as they tend to be extremely territorial (especially in smaller tanks). They are fairly active and need loads of food (water quality issue in small tank??). Form what I have read 180gallons is the minimum tank size recommended. Although I have read of loads of people successfully keeping them in 100gallons (422). And even the article attached says you can keep them in as little as an 80gallon tank. Although in a tank that size you will probably run into some comparability issues over time.

Have a read here...

And also this article...

Hope that helps. Good luck. Stunning looking fish.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • SRC Member

IMHO I would say Zero to One. But it really depends on which species and the individual fish (as some can be as small as three inches). Most triggerfish need a lot of space as they tend to be extremely territorial (especially in smaller tanks). They are fairly active and need loads of food (water quality issue in small tank??). Form what I have read 180gallons is the minimum tank size recommended. Although I have read of loads of people successfully keeping them in 100gallons (422). And even the article attached says you can keep them in as little as an 80gallon tank. Although in a tank that size you will probably run into some comparability issues over time.

Have a read here...

And also this article...

Hope that helps. Good luck. Stunning looking fish.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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If you’re keeping smaller members of the genus xanthichthys that have a more peaceful temperament and are the reef-safe variety, I’d say a 4x2x2 is possible. For the bigger and more aggressive species like clown, niger and queen triggers(most of the other triggers essentially), then IMO nothing smaller than a 150gallon. And they are definitely not reef-safe hahaha

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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The triggerfishs are definitely not reef safe unless it is species such as crosshatch or Blue Throat Triggerfish. But IMO, if you introduce them into the tank slowly and having a bigger size fish each time you introduce a new triggerfish, you should be able to keep more than one triggerfish. Of course the size of the tank matters as what the rest have said. One of the drawback for having multiple triggerfishs is you should not introduce anymore peacefish fishes such as the fairy wrasses.  They will disappear in no time as they will be bullied by the triggerfish(s).

Please consider carefully before getting the triggerfish as (IMO)they are one of the hardest fish one could have in the tank.

I have a 250 gal FOWLR tank and my triggerfishs include: 2 x Blueline Triggerfish; 2 x Humo Humo; 1 x Clown Trigger; 1 x Niger; 1 x goldheart triggerfish. They are living happily with my angels. Enjoy your niger.

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Yes they are. However, they will attempt to show their presence when first introduced. But thereafter, they are doing fine.

Once in awhile you can see one try to intimidate the other. Apart from that, they just cannot be bothered with each other. This is what I have observed.

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