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  • SRC Member

Also just to add: if you have small zoas/colonies that remain closed for longer periods and fish that like to pick at the rocks, they can often mistake the closed polyps for sponges and potentially chomp them off before they can open up again, or in the very least discourage them from opening up for even longer

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  • SRC Member
As long as it doesn't go all slimy then it should eventually open back up. Sounds like it didn't like the glue or it doesn't like the location/water flow in the tank.  Some times they can be closed up for a few weeks as the acclimate to a new tank. 

Ah ic! Kinda weird cos my other zoas on the frag rack are opening! Maybe it didn’t like the glue Should I reglue it or leave it ?

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  • SRC Member
Also just to add: if you have small zoas/colonies that remain closed for longer periods and fish that like to pick at the rocks, they can often mistake the closed polyps for sponges and potentially chomp them off before they can open up again, or in the very least discourage them from opening up for even longer

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Oh okay! I didn’t see any fishes picking on it though

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