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Cheap coral chips vs ceramic balls

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  • SRC Member

My personal experience


Started 2 observation/quarantine tanks last November. Both in similar sizes (650 litres) and using the same equipments and rather similar amount of dried rocks.


They were then seeded with market fishes.

Setup were similar, however one with the "expensive" ceramic balls the other with cheap coral chips. Rest were pretty much identical.


1) tank with coral chips cycled slightly faster than the other with ceramic balls. Ammonia were forced to roof levels given market fishes were introduced and left to decomposed for the entire period.


2) left the tank fallow for 2 months and added similar and number of fishes in each tank progressively. When bio load was initially increased by adding new fishes, tank with coral chips gave a constant reading of 0 ammonia, 0 no2 and 20 no3. However the tank with ceramic balls showed a slight increase in no2. This issue wasn't a concern as no2 will eventually decreased to 0 in less than 48 hours. Similarly, Ammonia was 0 and no3 20.


We all know that coral chips in the Long run will show an increase in no3. But as Long as one practices good husbandry ( eg weekly/bi weekly water changes) I'm sure we can always overcome the no3?? To me, the cheap coral chips seem to perform the same or even better nitrification job than the expensive branded ceramic bio balls these are just a simple observation/quarantine tanks, nothing complicated. IMG_4925.JPGIMG_4925.JPG



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  • SRC Member

Nice, alot can be demonstrated with very simple set ups. 

Just some notes.

Coral chips leading to an increase in nitrate levels is unfounded. 

A control is always important. 

Also need to control/adjust for things like mass of the biomedia, mass of fish etc.

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  • SRC Member
were you trying to do a test result or coincidently setting up 2 tanks?
if you can also test with other more reputable media would be nice

Started 2 Quarantine tanks simultaneously and decided, why not use different media each, hence the test. If the cheap coral chips are doing the job, I don't think it's necessary to test with the more costly and reputable media I'll not comment for the Long run as they are solely for short term set up. However, I believe if one practices good husbandry (eg water chg), having good parameters shouldn't be an issue be it Long or short term...

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