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Bellus angel fish

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  • SRC Member

Hi fellow reefers.. Anyone has any experience in keeping bellus angelfish? In your experience.. Are they reef safe(lps.. Clams.. Zoas)?


Been getting mixed reviews on the Web about whether they re reef safe or not.

If u have a bellus and could share your experience regarding it would be great thanks!


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  • SRC Member

Hi fellow reefers.. Anyone has any experience in keeping bellus angelfish? In your experience.. Are they reef safe(lps.. Clams.. Zoas)?
Been getting mixed reviews on the Web about whether they re reef safe or not.
If u have a bellus and could share your experience regarding it would be great thanks!
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I’ve a 2.5” Bellus in my 125gallon setup with clams, softies, LPS and SPS. Doesn’t bother any of them. Tankmates all share a peaceful temperament. Feeds on pellets and shrimp. Loves to swim around in the water column rather than pick at things on rocks/the substrate.

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  • SRC Member

I’ve a 2.5” Bellus in my 125gallon setup with clams, softies, LPS and SPS. Doesn’t bother any of them. Tankmates all share a peaceful temperament. Feeds on pellets and shrimp. Loves to swim around in the water column rather than pick at things on rocks/the substrate.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Cool!. My dory and powder blue is quite aggressive to my lil gal.. Hope they will tone down soon. But happy to see she's eating well... Wad are your fish stocks?

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  • SRC Member
Cool!. My dory and powder blue is quite aggressive to my lil gal.. Hope they will tone down soon. But happy to see she's eating well... Wad are your fish stocks?


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Powder blues and other tangs of the genus acanthurus are known to be the most aggressive tangs generally save for blue tangs so I’m not surprised heh. Especially PBT and Achilles. But that’s just a generalisation. I have 4 different tangs in my tank and the species that’s supposed to be the most docile one(Kole Tang) happens to be the most aggressive member of my tank.


Bellus’ tankmates are:


Longhorn Cowfish

Marine betta

Blue Tang

Kole Tang

Yellow Tang

Black Scopas Tang

Diamond Wrasse

Bicolor Wrasse

Diamond Goby

Bullet sleeper Goby

x2 Photon Clowns

x10 margarita Cardinals

Barstripe Cardinal

Candystripe Cardinal

Green Mandarin

Lawnmower Blenny

Tailspot blenny

Seagrass tuskfish

Lattice Monocle Bream


Largest member in the tank is the diamond Wrasse at around 18cm(max size)




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  • SRC Member
Wow!!! Are ur wrasses aggressive? And diamond wrasse seems rare? I like never see before in shops

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My wrasses aren’t aggressive at all. I used to have a rabbitfish in my system but I took him out because when he grew bigger he chased my diamond Wrasse around all the time. Despite being the largest fish he’s definitely not the most dominant one.. strangely enough my blue Tang and Kole Tang seem to be the most dominant fish in my tank.

Most of the LFS I know of rarely ship diamond Wrasses but it’s actually a relatively common species in our local waters. Some specimens can be pretty colourful too, but they’re typically greenish-pink with accents of yellow and blue.

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My wrasses aren’t aggressive at all. I used to have a rabbitfish in my system but I took him out because when he grew bigger he chased my diamond Wrasse around all the time. Despite being the largest fish he’s definitely not the most dominant one.. strangely enough my blue Tang and Kole Tang seem to be the most dominant fish in my tank.

Most of the LFS I know of rarely ship diamond Wrasses but it’s actually a relatively common species in our local waters. Some specimens can be pretty colourful too, but they’re typically greenish-pink with accents of yellow and blue.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
U caught it from Singapore waters? 0.0 wow..

Yeah tangs are the dominant ones. They are very loud and outspoken if they are humans.

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  • SRC Member
U caught it from Singapore waters? 0.0 wow..

Yeah tangs are the dominant ones. They are very loud and outspoken if they are humans.

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Yup. Pretty surprised my yellow and Scopas Tang don’t fight at all, in fact they like to swim together- despite being of the same Tang genus Zebrasoma. Pretty neat though. I named them Jekyll & Hyde cause they look exactly like each other except one is bright yellow and the other is black

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  • SRC Member

Yup. Pretty surprised my yellow and Scopas Tang don’t fight at all, in fact they like to swim together- despite being of the same Tang genus Zebrasoma. Pretty neat though. I named them Jekyll & Hyde cause they look exactly like each other except one is bright yellow and the other is black

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But ur tangs are defintely from fish stores right?, hahah

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  • SRC Member
But ur tangs are defintely from fish stores right?, hahah

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Of course.. if tangs could be caught in our local waters they’d be extinct from our local waters by now hahahaha

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