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White coating on eyes

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Hi all, my flame angel has developed this whitish layer over both eyes. I also think that the eyes are a bit more bulgy than usual. Does anyone know what causes this kind of disease? Is there a remedy?

All other fishes are doing fine, except for the starfish that likes to stick to the glass wall near the surface all the time (is that normal?). :cry:

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The same problem happened to my one of my clowns and an angel at different times. Fortunately, both of them survived the disease. For treatment, I merely transferred the fish to a quarantine tank and kept it under observation. As for the main tank, I just increased the amount of water that I changed after removing the fish. It took a few days for the swelling around the eyes to subside before the eyes turn clear again. Nevertheless, this problem should not be taken lightly and you should consult the more experienced hobbyists. I'm still a novice in this hobby.

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