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ReefManiac Tank Thread


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I have finally decided to start a tank thread for my tank after going through so many ups and downs with the tank.

Hopefully this tank thread will serve its purpose well of keeping records and learning tips from reefers all over.

Current equipment list:

Lights: Kessil AP700

Skimmer: Nyos Quantum 120 

Return Pump: Skimz QP 4.0 ( Upgrading soon for reliability )

Chiller: Hailea HC150A ( Upgrading soon for reliability )

Controller: Apex 2016 with Ipad mini gen 1

Calcium Reactor: Skimz Cm97

Co2: Intense Solenoid

Wavemakers: Glamorca GP03 x1, MP10QWD X1

Refugium light: Kessil H80


Due to my busy schedule, the tank has suffered many losses. So i am currently trying my best to keep all parameters in check and salvage whatever i can.

The tank is not in its best shape now, so i wont be sharing a FTS.. However, here are some of my some newly acquired corals and a few of my commando sps. ( Taken by Samsung Note 8 )












                20180204_225124.thumb.jpg.e821fd4e7860290a9421db51d73edcf9.jpg                                        20180204_225157.thumb.jpg.51715977b83e5d0faca98a39e3336d58.jpg



Here's a pic of my "Control Panel" that has yet to be completed..




Thank you for taking your time and reading my 1st post of my tank thread! I will definitely upload more pics and updates on the tank as time goes by.

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Took out my rusty DSLR to snap some pics today.. pardon my photos, still trying to get the hang of it :groupwavereversed:

Commando corals, 

Red planet:


Purple nana:


Sunny D zoas


Newly acquired,

Blue tips green body tenius:





Radiant wrasse:


Yellow hogfish:


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  • 3 months later...

So much had changed within the past 3 months.. Upgraded my existing light with aquatic life 4 × 24w T5 retrofit kit.

Decided to do an update with a full tank and side tank shot!


Photos were taken using my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 with orange gel filter under full blue led.

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Now some top down shots of some of my favourite sps :wub:


Orange millepora


Acropora microclados?


Rainbow Millepora


Royal blue Millepora 



Would like to thank all the bros who were willing to let off these gems to me! :yahoo:

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  • SRC Member

Very nice setup. Can share the cost and where to buy parts for the external control panel? How’s the NYOS 120. Was looking at it. In the end went for something else. The red gonio sells like hot cakes! 

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48 minutes ago, Jeebusai said:

Very nice setup. Can share the cost and where to buy parts for the external control panel? How’s the NYOS 120. Was looking at it. In the end went for something else. The red gonio sells like hot cakes! 

I diy-ed the control panel, just used a spare piece of ply wood and some wire duct. Cost is not more than $30 for the wire duct and ply wood.15271758796511096903948.thumb.jpg.45ed636a4bbf956d7eceac9bcc8a8e92.jpg


This is the link of the shop that sells the wire duct, I suggest calling before making your way done to make sure there is stock.

The nyos 120 works really well for me, pulling out "kopi o" consistently.

I got lucky with the red gonio, a kind reefer traded it with me for other corals! B)

Also, for those who are interested in the T5 hybrid, feel free to pm me on how to get it.


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  • SRC Member
6 hours ago, ReefManiac said:

I diy-ed the control panel, just used a spare piece of ply wood and some wire duct. Cost is not more than $30 for the wire duct and ply wood.15271758796511096903948.thumb.jpg.45ed636a4bbf956d7eceac9bcc8a8e92.jpg


This is the link of the shop that sells the wire duct, I suggest calling before making your way done to make sure there is stock.

The nyos 120 works really well for me, pulling out "kopi o" consistently.

I got lucky with the red gonio, a kind reefer traded it with me for other corals! B)

Also, for those who are interested in the T5 hybrid, feel free to pm me on how to get it.


Thanks for the info bro! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to ditch my calcium reactor and went ahead with dosing 2 part with an apex DOS for my tank.


1: I don't have to worry about my effluent clogging.

2: My ph will be higher throughout the day due to the fact that no co2 is bringing it down. ( 8.4 to 8.2 throught 24 hrs )

3: It is easier to tune whenever necessary.

Although the cost of running a dosing pump may be more expensive ( due to the liquids )as compared to running a calcium reactor, I still went ahead with it as my tank is only 50 gallons.

Oh, and I did a rescape recently due to itchy hands :yahoo:


The tank is pretty filled with sps corals atm, gonna build a small frag tank soon to accomodate even more corals!:yeah:

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  • SRC Member

Very nice scape:score:

as for your dosing liquids,  can consider DIYing your own? For example, baking soda for KH, calcium chloride powder for Ca, etc

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19 minutes ago, JMW said:

Very nice scape:score:

as for your dosing liquids,  can consider DIYing your own? For example, baking soda for KH, calcium chloride powder for Ca, etc


9 minutes ago, Jeebusai said:

Very nice scape! Great colors! :goodjob:

Thanks bros! 

I initially thought of mixing my own dosing liquid. But the ionic balance threw me off and I decided to use C balance 2 parts to dose.

Colours are still not up to standards yet imo.. I'm hoping that it only gets better and better :angel:

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Just now, Jeebusai said:

Amazing man! Very good space management! :goodjob:

I am too addicted to the colored sticks.. :lol: The tank is a little too crowded imo, that's why i have decided its time to do a frag tank for more corals.

With that said, i am still looking for more acros that i have not acquired and am open to trades :yahoo:

If any kind souls are willing to trade or sell me a piece of the following, please shoot me a pm! :wub:

Pink lemonade

Walt disney

Orange passion


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51 minutes ago, alexcyf said:

Beautiful FTS. Let me know if u are keen to have e photo shared on @reefsg :) and pm me ur Instagram nick for credits!

Thank you for your kind words! Feel free to share the photo on Instagram!

46 minutes ago, he said:

Another serious reefer in the making.. more photos plsss..

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Haha thanks Bro! Will try to update more frequently, hopefully I get the green light for a macro lens :yeah:

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Here are some underwater shots taken by my phone. ( T5 and LED )


No ID (loving the pink tone and yellow tips)



Atomic fire ball ( coloration changed totally to ssc)



No ID (growing and colouring up nicely)20180604_122723.thumb.jpg.3c8d5b8f712cf842be71a2d84e3cd180.jpg


True red planet20180604_122741.thumb.jpg.2d5368c61d2f2ba8621838abaed32580.jpg


No ID tenuis 20180604_122833.thumb.jpg.c9b7b07d01ed7629825d5bfeb47135a5.jpg




Rainbow millepora



Pikachu (got it fully green, now turning yellow)20180604_122642.thumb.jpg.5991cd3a85e0cd7a244736b8be18ed81.jpg


Orange Millepora (my favourite piece atm:wub:)20180604_122423.thumb.jpg.100f4630c6d9cd8c935cb27d417310a5.jpg




Aussie strawberry field?20180604_122624.thumb.jpg.0ece6dd7fd8950c9c6ddfd05239390d7.jpg


Yellow banana (seems almost impossible to bring out the yellow)20180604_122635.thumb.jpg.ce88348277a1e3566a7305043bd9d9c4.jpg


Bubble gum Millepora (getting a very nice morph)20180604_122820.thumb.jpg.ae9ec344c106e9f80ac621fcc4e865e4.jpg


SSC (lost the green totally, hope it comes back soon)20180604_122538.thumb.jpg.5666d8725171b7033bea72265b34b775.jpg


No ID Frag (look at the multi coloured polyp!)20180604_122913.thumb.jpg.9a57900ed255f946c64d3caac72d7a06.jpg


That's all for now. Hope that in a few months time I can compare their growth and see huge difference :yahoo:

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