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NKF Charity Show... will it end when some celeb

Achilles Tang

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  • SRC Member
Long Long ago, I donated to NKF. I stopped when they start having these shows. I donated thru cheque at end of year when there is no such shows to the NKF children medical fund.

I don't support these shows because:

1. The media company use it for their own agenda.

2. The stars use it for their own agenda.

3. The sponsors use this for their own agenda.

4. My donation during the show means I support these agendas.

A few years ago, after I discovered they print full page coloured ads in ST, I feel they are not using the donations appropriately. I switched my monthly donation to Comm chest.

Yesterday, I was enjoying 'Prince of Eygpt'.

Same sentiments... :( They have become so commercialised... :(

Used to donate to them but now I channel my energy and money to TOUCH Community Services(TCS) through spending on my visa cards... :P

A yearly ritual to help out on their flag day which incidentally is 17 July 2004 this year. :yeah::yeah: So you guys better donate to me at Orchard Road(near Paragon) hor...or I come hounding you... :lol::lol::lol:

Was with TCS for some time and saw what they did to the money and thus willingly help them to date... :peace:

Yesterday, I was enjoying myself at Sentosa watching Jamie the biggest grouper in Underwater World and taking in the grandeur of the Musical Fountain show... :P

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alamak how to know who is who over at paragon.... hahahaha

go over to the donation booth.... say

yoyo are you rina..eh....flubber...eh...flubberina


Aiyah...the one whom you will never be able to hide from when you are there... :evil:

I will hunt you down wan lah... :lol:

My hide is as thick as my lips... :lol::lol::lol::paiseh:

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I think its really crappy to have all those overhyped 'performances'.

Whats with the masochistic behaviour when HYS did that 'stunt'? WHAT's the bloody point?!!

Sharon Au? ... its a pain to see that performance by her and its not because I feel the pain for her. Its because she is winning too much!!!.. ALL a load of crap. She is a actress!

The bees? I'd rather watch fear factor. At least the contestants there got themself covered fully with bees...

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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An idea.

You swim and perform trick with Jamie, ala NKF style?   Sure can raise more fund for TCS... :P

Oei...I ain't no exhibitionist hor... :huh:

How about you help me do a Tarzan in the Reef fighting with the sharks to win over Jane episode to garner more donations? :angel::rolleyes:

I supply the publicity... :rolleyes:

Afterall what are friends for, right? :evil::evil::evil:

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the sad part is dat very often, when i hear that when people needs dialysis, the assistance rendered to them maybe minimal... u need to be real poor b4 u get any forms real forms of assistance.... but the thing is dat, dialysis is so costly, dat eventually, even if you have some reasonable savings in the bank, it sucks u dry.... :(

Vincent Ho

yeah.. must be reall poor.. probably like total family income of not more than a certain amount..

That means to say they must suck your whole family dry before they can come to your rescue.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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I will never donate to a show that plays to people's fears and sympathy for IDIOTS that intentionally subject themselves to physical dangers that have no rational relationship to the cause that is being advanced.

If they want people to donate, then show the stars doing charity work for the handicappedl.

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  • SRC Member
QUOTE (Chris @ Apr 12 2004, 10:27 AM)


An idea.

You swim and perform trick with Jamie, ala NKF style?  Sure can raise more fund for TCS... 

Oei...I ain't no exhibitionist hor... 

How about you help me do a Tarzan in the Reef fighting with the sharks to win over Jane episode to garner more donations? 

I supply the publicity... 

Afterall what are friends for, right?   

Are you going to be Jane or the shark? B)

I think (marine) therefore I am

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whats the cause for kidney failure anyway?

many things. many many many things.

genetics. diet. diabetes. I know my godmother got it from medication. a lot of factors.

pardon me but NKF is a pile of s***. the amount of money donated to them? doesn't justify the treatment of patients within NKF's coverage. for example, my godmother had a stroke in 2002 and caused her to have some form of amnesia. her psychological patterns were affected and she started behaving like a ten year old girl with random thoughts. NKF initially REFUSED administering dialysis to her, citing reasons of mental health. I remember the amount of trouble my godfather had to go through just to get a letter written to APPEAL and gently remind them that NKF =/= IMH. they relented after a while.

and do you know that in NKF, there are many poor people due to the high costs of dialysis. the last time I checked, I remember there were cases of patients who had to administer everything *ie to say, carry the solution from a room to the dialyser, administration of medication and yada yada yada.* I know because I helped my godmother do it.

okay I think I shouldn't get too personal. thinking of NKF makes me angry :nuke:

bunch of bull if you ask me. :ph34r::fear::ph34r:

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personally i think this all thing is crap. all this charity stuff on tv is getting commercialised & it really defeats the purpose of doing charity. i believe the stars themselves shld b quite well off? ;) so y dun they donate instead of doing stunts?

another thing... if only by doing this kinda stunts will it bring in $$$ for charity... doesnt it say alot of the pple in singapore? singing & performing is fine... not risking your own life! :nc:

i din even bother 2 watch it tt day!

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the celebrities r not to be blamed. they have a job to do and popularity points to be earned. the nkf r not to be blamed. their objective is to gather as much funds as possible and they're doing that.(their only fault is them being too successful) the tv stations r not to be blamed cos their objective is to increase viewership figures.

so who is to be blamed for all this madness? its us, the viewers/donors actually.

they will not stop using this kind of tactic as long as the viewership and donation figures keep rising. the fact that they r achieving their targets year after year simply means that they have adopted a strategy that works. sad but true. given this trend, if u're them, will you dare to change the format to just singing and dancing. take away all those lucky draws and risk(very likely) viewership/donations plunge to 10% of what it was?

lets just face it, people. as long as the money continues to pour in, they're not going to be bothered about the minority(the success of their campaign means that we are the minority). its simple economics really, they have to give the consumers what the consumers demand. :nc:

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Are you going to be Jane or the shark? B)

hey dude...I have always thought highly of your comprehension skills but alas... :huh::lol:

I said I provide the publicity skills lei...guess you can go find your Jane and sharks... :P

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