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NKF Charity Show... will it end when some celeb

Achilles Tang

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Was watching the NKF show just now with my wife and we were shocked at some of the stunts done by the celebrities just to get more sympathetic donations! :blink:

Singer Ho Yao Sun being shot 5 times in the back with blowdarts that stuck onto her skin, seeing her in pain, having the darts removed and then leaving 5 bloody welts that was zoomed into during her song segment??

Compere Sharon Au screaming in pain over her standing/sitting down on Samurai swords??? :angry:

I didn't watch the guy being put into the bees-filled room, did he get stung at all?

What's this? Fear Factor? :ph34r:

I switched channels to watch something less disturbing.

What a way to raise funds... I seriously think this show will only come to an end in future when a celebrity gets seriously wounded or killed and a public outcry is made.

What sayeth thou? :erm:

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It may happen, but then...the donation drive will still carry on..but with restrictions for the celebrities....

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I wrote into the ST forum to make a comment. apparently it didn't get published, citing reasons like "we have many things to publish and yours isn't that important."

I think Singapore has degenerated to such a state that if we don't induce such stunts, little or no money will go into their charitable pockets.

oh well. the state of affairs we are in.

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I look forward to the day when Fann Wong has to bash her brains out with bricks, Zoe Tay plays Russian Roulette with a loaded gun and Moses Lim has to do pull ups over a pit of piranhas. Sigh!

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Well, i think there are necessary safety precautions in place for all the stunts. No doubt there is still an element of risk, but i believe there are some checks in place to ensure no injuries. Don't think the celebs can all master supreme qi gong within a short period of 2 months...

For example, a few years back, jack neo lie on a bed of broken glass without any wounds. Well, I recalled me accidentally stepping on a small broken carbon diffuser on the floor and my feet was bleeding like hell. Come to wonder if the glass are the non-sharp ones, like those made for car windscreen. I doubt anyone will lie down on a bed of broken carbon diffusers, even the qi gong masters...

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I were watching the NKF show and noticed that there are quite a numbers of marine tanks in one of the NKF's clinic. It seem to me that they are of mininium size 4x2x2 kind.

Was wondering where these marine tanks a donation or NKF's donation money?

BTW, I think all these stunt are STUPID!


Previous Tank 3 x 2.5 x 2 ft since year 2005. 23 Jan 2009 fully decom my 3ft. Now only left 24"x14"x16" and I am very happy cos can see all my fish in near range.. haha

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I think basically there a lot of rich people around whose not so generous.

So the intention of this show is to let the rich show off and let every body know they have donated a lot of $$. One of the revenue for them to donate.


Previous Tank 3 x 2.5 x 2 ft since year 2005. 23 Jan 2009 fully decom my 3ft. Now only left 24"x14"x16" and I am very happy cos can see all my fish in near range.. haha

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Yes, we can salute them for their bravery... there is an element of danger, but do we have to raise funds by putting someone's life or wellbeing in danger all the time?

I wonder who comes up with these stunts. And how much more is expected in future?

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i NEVER donate to NKF,

i have friends who work in NKF and THEY DO NOT EVEN DONATE,

for reasons i shall not state publicly.

anyway, with $189m in the bank? <_<

i doubt they need my $5.

i'll not comment further. :ph34r:

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I think basically there a lot of rich people around whose not so generous.

So the intention of this show is to let the rich show off and let every body know they have donated a lot of $$. One of the revenue for them to donate.


Well, there are certain tax benefits for donating to charity. That is one way of paying less tax.

Though there are some who is guilty of trying to gain exposure, but if it helps the less fortunate, I personally don't mind giving them their 5 mins of fame.

AT: well, my colleague did pointed out about the tanks in the centre, nice to know that they are donated.

As for the stunts, I guess there is not much choice for the organisers. I doubt many will tune in to watch if the celebs are just singing and dancing. Heck, I don't even watch the show with all these stunts... Remember there was a time when the overseas celebs had a night show themselves? The donations are quite pathetic as the overseas celebs can only sing, dance and perform skits (who can blame them). The renci show have to resort to monk repelling, sitting in tank of ice... talk about sensationalism.

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i NEVER donate to NKF,

i have friends who work in NKF and THEY DO NOT EVEN DONATE,

for reasons i shall not state publicly.

anyway, with $189m in the bank? <_<

i doubt they need my $5.

i'll not comment further. :ph34r:

That is a lot of money for being in the reserve. Perhaps with better fund management and proper investments, that could be an additional source of funds. But of course this will have to be done transparently and legally. Would not want another fiasco on condos, sports cars, swimming pools. (No offence to the Catholics).

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my 2 cents,

why shall we even pay a call administration fee of 20 or 30 cents to Singtel while we r doing charity????? it is juz not right!!!!!! i mean Singtel has every right to charge a admin fee, but dun u think they should donate the full admin fee collected to a charitable cost????

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I look forward to the day when Fann Wong has to bash her brains out with bricks, Zoe Tay plays Russian Roulette with a loaded gun and Moses Lim has to do pull ups over a pit of piranhas. Sigh!

tats wat i wan to see in the stunts... russain roulette ..., loaded guns ...... believe me,

Those stunts in NKF is nothing :snore: ( jus my personal opinion, dun flame me hor ) , though i nv watch the entire show..... but i still feel that its nothing compare to real stunts......

By blowing 5 darts, i like getting 5 injection to the skin is nothing for most of us....., bees r attracted to smell or certain fragrance.. i've seen it in AXN, they put something on the models body... all bees r attracted to her body... (did u notice most bees r at a few corners )...., knife sitting/standing..... i guess most ah pek can do it....... :snore:

its jus a campaign to raise money, i do donate monthly to NKF, but this kind of stunts is nothing (personal opinion)

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Well they ARE actors and sometimes the whole show is just that... a show full of actors acting in order to help raise funds..

If you want to donate so be it, if not then just don't.. no one forces anyone to watch the show or to donate... If you ask me, it's just an elaborated avenue for fund raising.

And about the $189mil they have in reserves, it just bothers me that they have so much spare cash lying around. Of course they say it's for emergencies and whatever, but seriously $189mil is a lot of money. In one show they can raise what.. $2mil?? And they have had say 10 shows? So that's $20 mil.. where did all the other money come from?

But that's another story... too sensitive to touch upon..

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UNLESS........... :eyebrow: , watever the amount the public had contributed, the government pay the same.... :eyebrow: , den its ok i guess......... butzzzzzzzzzzzzz :eyebrow: who know whether the money really contributed by the government :eyebrow:

Get a internal auditor............ :lol:

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the sad part is dat very often, when i hear that when people needs dialysis, the assistance rendered to them maybe minimal... u need to be real poor b4 u get any forms real forms of assistance.... but the thing is dat, dialysis is so costly, dat eventually, even if you have some reasonable savings in the bank, it sucks u dry.... :(

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i don't blame nkf. i don't blame the celebraties... the biggest culprit behind all these tomfoolery is mediacorp and mediaworks. mediacorp is doing nkf and mediaworks is doing ren ci... they are just trying to outdo each other... believe me... most probably tomorrow the first thing you'll see is trailers all round boasting that the show has garnered XXXXX viewership... These media executives are the ones pushing their employees (ie celebraties) with outrageous stunts... they are the ones trying to suck all the benefits by playing on viewer's emotions...

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Long Long ago, I donated to NKF. I stopped when they start having these shows. I donated thru cheque at end of year when there is no such shows to the NKF children medical fund.

I don't support these shows because:

1. The media company use it for their own agenda.

2. The stars use it for their own agenda.

3. The sponsors use this for their own agenda.

4. My donation during the show means I support these agendas.

A few years ago, after I discovered they print full page coloured ads in ST, I feel they are not using the donations appropriately. I switched my monthly donation to Comm chest.

Yesterday, I was enjoying 'Prince of Eygpt'.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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I suggest an agency comes up with a list of all th charitable org in Singapore with detail on their operating expenses every year, their reserves and contact number. Will this help people make wiser decision on who to give?

I feel there are many others low-profile charities that may need money more urgently than the one with 189 already.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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I will only donate to them if they are poor. To think they need $63mil to operate per year or $5.25mil a month is a bit ridiculos....

If you go to NUH's children cancer center, you will see lots of nice playground stuffs like slide, swing, donated by NKF.

I dunno what they are trying to do....use public's donated money to donate to other organisation.

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i don noe how true is this....last heard from friends saying that the stuff travels biz class or first class while flying. just wonder y do they need to travel. is nkf going gobal??

anyway, the method used by the nkf to manage $$, i guess, would be keep the golden goose n let it lay the golden eggs. N use only the eggs. maybe a wise method. but needs lots of $$ to do tat.

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