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Storeroom Clearance sale!!!!


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Hi guys, clearing storeroom for CNY

1) Eheim 1262

This pump needs no introduction. Used for about 2 yrs.

UK 3 pin plug


Selling at $100

2) 3ft led light

cant remember how many Watts but it uses 0.5w Leds. its too bright for my sump so im selling it.. its brand new! its great as a  supplement for your exisiting light.



Selling at $20

3) Auto top up. 

Uses infrared and float switch. comes with everything you need ( u just need a tub to hold water). 

I used for about a week and its very accurate! selling because i upgraded to a new tank and have no space for a ATO now..


Selling at $45

4) sunsun JVP-202 wavemaker

12000l/hr wavemaker. powerful and pushes alot of water! 

this version comes with both the suction mount and magnet mount. also comes with the flow direction thingy that is not in the picture (See the picture on the box) my tank's 12mm and the magnet is still very strong. probably can hold tank up to 20mm no problem.

bought it but used it for only a week..


Selling at $25

5) Salifert Ammonia test kit 

Used less than 10 times.

39173541784_8d0918caf9_z.jpg20180121_204130 by V3ns0n, on Flickr

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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6) Brand new seachem safe (1kg)
Retails at $56
Selling at $30
7) BRAND NEW New ocean skimmer/pump stand. 
Can be used to elevated skimmer or return pump
3 stages/steps 
[IMG]20171129_210859 by V3ns0n, on Flickr

8) Jebao DC adapter x2
Brand new, bought last time directly from east ocean as back up adapter. 
i have 2 sets and 1 set come with a USED controller. 
Should be able to use for jebao DC-4000 all the way up to DC-12000

$20 with controller, $15 without controller.
SMS/Whatsapp me at 9106-3934
Collection at woodlands

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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