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New anemone to tank


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Should intervene.

Can try creating a rock ‘prison’ for the anemone. It kept mine in for a few days and then decided to jail break.

Ultimately anemone will move where anemone wants to move. And anemones love powerheads. So becareful with that.

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  • SRC Member
Should intervene.
Can try creating a rock ‘prison’ for the anemone. It kept mine in for a few days and then decided to jail break.
Ultimately anemone will move where anemone wants to move. And anemones love powerheads. So becareful with that.
They re so cute.. Like got character one but so unpredictable

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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just fyi, like what Full Hedge said, anemones do like wavemakers. this is quite dangerous because when they get too close and blended in, some anemones - if not all, will release toxins into ur water column which might cause ur livestocks to feel uncomfortable

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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35 minutes ago, lis9090 said:

Where to buy foam guard?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

If using vortech shld come with it.

if not can just buy a block of coarse foam and diy it. Can either cut out the foam according to the pump

or take a thin sheet n wrap around. Secure with rubber band.

Use coarse foam not those filter wool kind. Filter wool will get clogged fast and decrease the flow. 

Ugly but just a temporary measure.

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If using vortech shld come with it.
if not can just buy a block of coarse foam and diy it. Can either cut out the foam according to the pump
or take a thin sheet n wrap around. Secure with rubber band.
Use coarse foam not those filter wool kind. Filter wool will get clogged fast and decrease the flow. 
Ugly but just a temporary measure.
Thanks for the reply. I woke up this am and dint see my anemone.. Shit. But no choice gotta go work. Checked wave maker.. Didn't see any sign of the lil guy also. Hope he's alright

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9 hours ago, Full Hedge said:

If using vortech shld come with it.

if not can just buy a block of coarse foam and diy it. Can either cut out the foam according to the pump

or take a thin sheet n wrap around. Secure with rubber band.

Use coarse foam not those filter wool kind. Filter wool will get clogged fast and decrease the flow. 

Ugly but just a temporary measure.

The idea from Full Hedge is good.

An alternative is to use soft netting (those green or black type). Secure with rubber band around the wavemaker.

The holes are bigger & won't clog or reduce flow significantly.


Anemones like a rock with a small recess where they can stick their foot in. So either find a rock like that or construct one.


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  • SRC Member
The idea from Full Hedge is good.
An alternative is to use soft netting (those green or black type). Secure with rubber band around the wavemaker.
The holes are bigger & won't clog or reduce flow significantly.
Anemones like a rock with a small recess where they can stick their foot in. So either find a rock like that or construct one.
They sure are fussy.. Drama Queens haha. OK sure thanks for the advices!!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Hi all.. Found my anemone wedged in between 2 rocks.. Should leave him alone? 1e80d1125f54b599609aa7c4750068de.jpg

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

it really depends on u. u can actually glue anemones to a spot based on their requirement (light/depth/flow). u will not be afraid of them getting blended in wavemaker.

however, bad side of it is that they might not be happy with where they are, thus, not being able to grow healthily.
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it really depends on u. u can actually glue anemones to a spot based on their requirement (light/depth/flow). u will not be afraid of them getting blended in wavemaker.

however, bad side of it is that they might not be happy with where they are, thus, not being able to grow healthily.
Oo.. Guess I ll let him roam to where he's happy.. Thanks!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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