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Feeding corals

Full Hedge

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  • SRC Member

How to use aminos properly and maximise nitrogen content of reef roids.

1: Soak reef roids in amino only. Do not mix in with water. Reef roids is freeze dried and will rehydrate with the amino solution. Essentially saturate reef roid with amino.

2: Mix in some water to create a paste and then target feed corals.

Higher levels of dissolved nitrogen has been shown to reduce coral growth or at best a slight increase, by CoralZoo project. But heterotrophic feeding of corals has demonstrated increased growth in corals by the university of hawaii using a range of coral food and reefroids tested with 3 sps corals. Dissolved nitrogen and amino is abosrbed at a higher rate by the zooxanthellae (alth they can synthesis their own. Dk why they so greedy #selfinterestinmutualism). Zooxanthellae growth is typically limited by nitrogen so the zooxanthellae is believed to compete for nutrients with the corals. In an oligotrophic, nitrogen limited environment, the coral directly limits the nitrogen provided to the zooxanthellae.

By saturating reef roids with amino, reef roids has higher nitrogen content without adding too much amino acid( dissolved nitrogen) into the water column.

Also read the photo.2176C0E4-2C7C-41C4-AD2B-64ACA4E646C4.thumb.png.397b07c5552e831590149da1845dff08.png




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