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LinkinPark's 3ftx1.5x1.5


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I think the term Senior Reefers belong to people of your age and above!!! :P

I'm still 16!!! :)

totally agreed.....interms of exp, age and husbandry of corals :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:

me considered above 21 lah....dun wan to be associated to teenagerhood (no offence to our young reefers here - still remember those days of dreams and no $$$$)

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The salmon pink frag given by the JUNIOR ###### SENIOR reefer @ 3 weeks ago. :lol:

It is encrusting onto the epoxy. The new encrusting growth is the white plating, and closer to the base, is white plating with dark pink polyp.

Left bottom pict is the front shot & the right bottom is right shot.


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pink acro??

Tip is pink, body seems to be pink. The piece was bleached when I bought it a few weeks ago. Recover well & hope that the whole piece is PINK :yeah:

Hmm..I might have a similar piece as yours. When I bought it, it was the color of jade...now starting to look a lil pink like yours. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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My tank as at 26 July 04.

Having algae problem as my AT of 7 months died and could not be found. I believe this caused the nutrient level to rise and thus algae.

Stop feeding corals with GP, Phyto, cyclopeeze and brine shrimp. The only nutrient that I add is amino acid, on alternate day


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Used to dose 6 t/s of ALK (3 t/s in the morning & 3 in the evening) and 4 t/s of Ca to maintain water parameter @

7-10 dkh

420-450 ppm Ca

I stopped the routine since last Sat with the Coral Lab Ca Reactor.

My target is

7-8 dkh

440 ppm Ca


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saw some white patches with no tissue :cry: , shifted the monti to a higher flow area.

While overturning it, found the cause to the white portion: nudibranch :angry: . Crushed those baddies to their painful death :evil: . Can't take the pests for granted & got to check on the monti regularly (as long as my strength & stamina permits :( ).


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My "ideal" for the tank is "low nutrient" ;) .

My fishes are:

1) algae blenny

2) six line wrasse

The last fish I may buy will be a small (vegetarian) kole tang to help to control algae.

Obessed with "low" nutrient as I am more interested in the colour of my sps :D .

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Very clean tank from the pic w/o unsightly growth of coralline.

with the kdh level 6-8 and ca level of approx 420ppm you maint,have you notice the growth of coralline is decreasing as your system gettting more neutrient poor but growth rate increase on sps.

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Very clean tank from the pic w/o unsightly growth of coralline.

with the kdh level 6-8 and ca level of approx 420ppm you maint,have you notice the growth of coralline is decreasing as your system gettting more neutrient poor but growth rate increase on sps.

It seems that nutrient poor water coupled with low dkh (level of NSW) will result in lesser coralline algae. I'm ok with that as I dislike scrapping off coralline algae from the glass. Coralling algae also take up a lot of Ca.

My goal is colours. ;)

There is a school in RC that advocate high Alk (12-14 dkh) which will result in better colouration, but there were "rumours" that high ALK can result in eventual rtn.

Some prefer lower ALK in nutrient poor water and they reason that higher alk will cause the sps to calcify more but not enough nutrient (in the water) to supplement the energy used, thus cause rtn.

Since nutrient-poor water will result in lower density of zooxanthelle and thus, "lighter brown" and nicer colour, I go for lower Alk. ;)

These are just "theories" and I am neither rocket-scientist nor genius. ;):D

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This my exp maint of kdh and ca at NSW level will result in a cleaner tank with lesser coralline when the tank getting more neutrient poor.

I read in your thread that you feed your tank amino acid as a food source but also include other form like GP's.From my exp i feel that amino couple with idoide may be enough.like to hear your view on this.Thanks.

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I read in your thread that you feed your tank amino acid as a food source but also include other form like GP's.From my exp i feel that amino couple with idoide may be enough.like to hear your view on this.Thanks.

I don't add trace element (for eg, idoide) as I believe water change is sufficient to replenish. Also think that that too much trace element (nutrient??) will result in browner colour (??? personal opinion)

Feeding of GP is irregular, depending on the nutrient level (algae?). If there is new algae growing, I don't feed and I will change the phos removing media (constraphos koncentrat). The media is placed in a lower flow area to reduce po4 slower.

I enjoy feeding the sps with GP, and lps with mixture of GP, cyclopeeze, brineshrimp and phyto as the polyp extension and action is nice to watch.

Amino acid is used 3x a week, just 2 drops, which is under-dosed compared to the instruction on the bottle. My wife & I feel that since using amino acid, the colours seem to be better. But of course, we are not trustworthy witnesses as we always see colour that we want to see that others don't see. :lol:

"Nutrient (trace element) vs Nutrient (amino acid), full of contradiction" :lol:

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Alfa,the AA Linkinpark using is from korallen if i not wrong.

Dosing of AA,I and F is mainly to color up the sps but your system neutrient

need to be low ie. NO3-0ppm and PO4-less than 0.03 using LR test kit not salifert.

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