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Zoas and pipe organ not opening


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Hey experienced reefers


Would need your kind inputs here T.T I have bought a frag plug of water melon Zoas and organ pipe on a frag as well from a reefer. Dipped them with coral dip and put into my tank. They opened up the next day and all was good. However the following day.. they decided to close up and till now did not open again. It has been a week plus. However more of my GSP are opening up . So can't explain why my Zoas and organ pipes aren't happy. My phosphate levels are not exactly the best but have put in ultra phos in a reactor to run. And there's a Ats running as well. Would appreciate some tips and help thank you! Have also been adding recently vitamin c and amino acid into the tank as supplements.


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Few questions to help give us a better picture... 

water parameters? Kh, ca, mg, no3? U mention po4 not good is ?

R fishes disturbing the frag?

what dip u used and for how Long?

frags at high flow Low flow area?

What lighting u are using? 

U place the frag on sand bed?



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  • SRC Member
Few questions to help give us a better picture... 
water parameters? Kh, ca, mg, no3? U mention po4 not good is ?
R fishes disturbing the frag?
what dip u used and for how Long?
frags at high flow Low flow area?
What lighting u are using? 
U place the frag on sand bed?

Ammonia and nitrites are 0
Nitrate about 5ppm
Didn't measure kh
CA is 400
Mg didn't measure
Po4 is about 1(used salifert test kit)
Yes my fishes have tendency to disturb it.
Dip I used is threelittlefishes
The frags are in medium flow and light
Lighting - beams work
Frags are placed on live rocks

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I suspect it has got to do with kh and fish. Try shifting frag lower to rule out light intensity causing it not to open. Just my $0.02.

Thanks! Think it's my fish.. cos I put my zoa frag in a breeding net so no one can disturb them.. and today saw a yellow colour on one of the zoa head.. like it's trying to open !

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