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The wonders of LR


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I had started another 46g tank 6 months ago and one of my goal is to be patience and let the LR do it wonder to turn my tank into a reef.

Nothing much has added to the tank (except skimmer and power head for circulation) and just let the tank take its course with LR and some snails.

I let the tank go through the Algae cycle (Diatoms, cyano) with little intervention and do regular water change as a good husbandry will do.

6 months later, the LR has not disappoint me. There is a sponge starting to grow on the LR. One Feather duster spring out from nowhere (about 3 inches tube). Two other red clown fan worms is growing. And few days ago, start seeing a branch of some sort is starting to take shape (I believe it to be some kind of stony coral).

No supplement has been added to the tank and I just rely on the salt. The purple/red/maroon Coraline has start to take over the back wall and the LR. My LR and 1" sandbed had been free of algae for a month.

I added a Yellow Tang few weeks ago and the fish is as healthy as it can be. Its munching on those Macro Algae that grow out from the LR and I just need to supplement a little nori to keep him in shape.

I guess patience is indeed the best advice in this hobby and I am reaping the rewards of it and saves a lot of money :D I am planning of waiting out for a year and then starts to add some corals to supplement it.

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My LR already had sponges, many many tubeworms(some purple color! :yeah:), soft corals, mushies, and even a small anemone when I bought them!!!

Well encrusted with coralline as well..

Live and Let Live

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Thanks for the compliments, I intend to let it go for 1 year before I add anything to see what I can get from my LR.

I actually a little bit regretted to add the YT recently as its starts to nibble at my Macro Algae too much too early.

Maybe, :erm: will do a nine months wait on my next tank. :D

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My LR already had sponges, many many tubeworms(some purple color! :yeah:), soft corals, mushies, and even a small anemone when I bought them!!!

Well encrusted with coralline as well..

Good for you. Unfortunately for me, they use 2 days to ship the LR to my place and most of the stuff is dieing off. Once it started the die off, it takes a while to get the LR back into "alive" again.

But surprise to me, my tank water is "cycled" after a week.

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its hard to find such a person like you....

hormat senjata

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To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Another pic from the left. You can see the snails and the Scarlet I added at 2 months time to help me clean the detris and nuisance algae.

I have an Emperor 400 just for circulation. Throw away the filter floss that come with it. The reason i have Emperor is that I got it very cheap and I can use it to put my Carbon.

You probably can't see it from the pic, I have a Aqua C Remora with Maxijet1200, and 1 Maxijet 1200 on the right, 1 Maxijet 600 on the left. Total circulation = 400+295+295+165 = 1155 gallons/hr in a 46 gallons tank. So the only mechanical filtration is the skimmer.

Will try to get the whole tank shot. But my camera skills is still amateur that everytime when I shoot the Full tank shot, I can't see any details of the tank.


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how come the coralline dosn't seem to grow on your tank walls??

btw nice LR!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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