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Growth Pics of salmon pink acro

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Surperb growth until the maxi behd have been "kicked out of it spot" :lol:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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The frags will be migrating to a new tank in the coming months....so that they have more room for growth.

That frag took some time to start its encrusting probably adjusting to the new environment but once it starts, it can grow rapidly.

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  • SRC Supporter
The frags will be migrating to a new tank in the coming months....so that they have more room for growth.

That frag took some time to start its encrusting probably adjusting to the new environment but once it starts, it can grow rapidly.

A new tank huh???.... :eyebrow:

So how much larger would that be compared to what you have currently???

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Hi Joe,

I'm planning a 4' x 3' x 26" with no internal overflow. Now looking for a tank maker that can do fully customised tank at a reasonable cost and able to drill 2.5 inch holes in glass...


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Hi Joe,

I'm planning a 4' x 3' x 26" with no internal overflow. Now looking for a tank maker that can do fully customised tank at a reasonable cost and able to drill 2.5 inch holes in glass...


Woah... 2.5 inches for outflow??

That's pretty large ....

What are you plannin to drive the returns for your system???

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