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WTS: 3x1.5x1.5ft cabinet tank set


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Selling off my currnet tank set. Its still running and would require some time for me to take things apart.

Tank size : 90x45x45cm with Coast to coast overflow (Bean animal) so its dead slient and very safe. Main tank thickness is 10mm. bottom braced.

- 2 return on the left and right drilled into the glass wall at the back.

- All 3 drain and 2 return comes with valves to tune how much flow you want each to be.

- Tank is made by CRA on october 2014 for about 1k

- Front glass is crystal.

- Sump has 2 compartments and a sock overflow compartment. 

- Return piping has a T split for pump to flow into chiller.

Condition : 7/10. Some minor scratches on the main tank, hardly visible unless u scrutinize. cabinet is il very good condition but the hinges are rusty, they are not expensive to replace.

Here's the pictures




coast to coast bean animal overflow, total width of 6". main reason is safety, if the main drain pipe gets clogged, the other 2 pipes serves as back up. 


Looking to sell at $250! SMS/Whatsapp me at 9106-3934. please arrange delivery yourself and only professionals! 

Feel free to contact me if u have questions or wanna view without obligation.



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