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These are items that i started this year, 2017 (i.e. all were bought new and used for not more than 9 months) but i am selling it due to change in design of my new home. Meanwhile, i will add on to the post when i decided what to bring over to new place:

1.  Innovative Marine (IM) 10 Gallon NUVO Fusion Nano Aquarium (with upgraded return pump) - $100

2. IM SkimMate Ghost Skimmer - $50

3. IM SKKYE LIGHT 18W - $50

4.  Chiller Solutions CSXC-1 Thermometric Chiller - $250

5. IM Media basket for IM 10 GAL - $30

******Package above item 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - $400

6. Reef Octopus Classic 2000 Hang-on-Back Protein Skimmer - $150

7. Innovative Marine (IM) 40 Gallon NUVO Fusion Mini Aquarium (with auto water top up + storage tank + white glossy cabinet) - $600

8.  Teco TK 150 Chiller - $500

9. MiniMax – All-In-One Media Reactor x qty 2 (midsize) - $150

10. AI Prime HD (black) with tank mounting - $250

11. 1 pair of premium Ony Picasso Clownfish - $350

12. queen angel (mid size) - $300

13.......to be updated.

whatsapp me at 83230308 for picture if only you are interested.


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  • SRC Member

Upz for package deal. Prefer to clear this first. I can produce all online receipt for your warranty claim.

1.  Innovative Marine (IM) 10 Gallon NUVO Fusion Nano Aquarium (with upgraded return pump) - $100

2. IM SkimMate Ghost Skimmer - $50

3. IM SKKYE LIGHT 18W - $50

4.  Chiller Solutions CSXC-1 Thermometric Chiller - $250

5. IM Media basket for IM 10 GAL - $30

******Package above item 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - $400

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

clearing sales for these now:

6. Reef Octopus Classic 2000 Hang-on-Back Protein Skimmer - $150

7. Innovative Marine (IM) 40 Gallon NUVO Fusion Mini Aquarium (with auto water top up + storage tank + white glossy cabinet) - $600

8.  Teco TK 150 Chiller - $500

9. MiniMax – All-In-One Media Reactor x qty 2 (midsize) - $150

10. Queen Angel mid size $300

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • SRC Member
clearing sales for these now:

6. Reef Octopus Classic 2000 Hang-on-Back Protein Skimmer - $150

7. Innovative Marine (IM) 40 Gallon NUVO Fusion Mini Aquarium (with auto water top up + storage tank + white glossy cabinet) - $600

8.  Teco TK 150 Chiller - $500

9. MiniMax – All-In-One Media Reactor x qty 2 (midsize) - $150

10. Queen Angel mid size $300

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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  • SRC Member

STILL AVAILABLE::groupwavereversed:

6. Reef Octopus Classic 2000 Hang-on-Back Protein Skimmer - $150

7. Innovative Marine (IM) 40 Gallon NUVO Fusion Mini Aquarium (with auto water top up + storage tank + white glossy cabinet + Tunze wavepump) - $800

8.  Teco TK 150 Chiller - $500

9. MiniMax – All-In-One Media Reactor x qty 2 (midsize) - $150

12. queen angel (mid size) - $300

13. French Angelfish - $250



1.  Innovative Marine (IM) 10 Gallon NUVO Fusion Nano Aquarium (with upgraded return pump) - $100 - SOLD

2. IM SkimMate Ghost Skimmer - $50 - SOLD

3. IM SKKYE LIGHT 18W - $50 - SOLD

4.  Chiller Solutions CSXC-1 Thermometric Chiller - $250 - SOLD

5. IM Media basket for IM 10 GAL - $30 - SOLD

10. AI Prime HD (black) with tank mounting - $250 - SOLD

11. 1 pair of premium Ony Picasso Clownfish - $350 - SOLD

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