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Making bio pellets work ( and why they dont seem to work)

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  • SRC Member

Hi all, just thought I'd share some experience on this. After having replied to a member on another thread.
Ive seen and heard cases of reefers running bio pellets but reported them as inefficient.
Its not just about simply running bio pellets and having 'some' spin around in a reactor.
If it isn't dropping , it may be because there's too little running.

Citing a simple example which I encountered.
Initially they seemed to work for me. But after some time as my tank matured the nitrates started moving upwards and I looked everywhere for the problem. Turns up its simply because : my biopellet volume was insufficient.

Eg. If 50g of pellets bacteria capacity drops 2 nitrates per day. But ur tank is producing 3 nitrates per day. The nitrates will Never drop. Ie. U need a bigger factory .

When I realized the problem I ensured my pellet load was always double the amount in my reactor. About one full cup or 250ml. My nitrate problem never came back.

Plus it doesnt matter if they clump up. Just ensure water is running slowly thru them.

Hope this thread helps some reefers.

This was the thread where I replied on this item as well:

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It takes 4 weeks for brand new pellets to start getting effective btw, dont wait till they run low before topping up. I believe the existing pellets help in colonizing the new ones.

Also FYI for those who didnt know.

These pellets are pure carbon.

The principle is the same as vodka dosing.

(Carbon is the main ingredient in vodka)

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • SRC Member

Dun think it is possible to run it without skimmer. Usually they advise to put the output of the biopellet reactor next to the skimmer so that it can remove the waste once the bacteria has consumed the nutrients. Thats how the nutrients r removed from the tank. If u dont have a skimmer the bacteria will breakdown and release the nutrients back

Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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  • SRC Member
Dun think it is possible to run it without skimmer. Usually they advise to put the output of the biopellet reactor next to the skimmer so that it can remove the waste once the bacteria has consumed the nutrients. Thats how the nutrients r removed from the tank. If u dont have a skimmer the bacteria will breakdown and release the nutrients back

Clement is correct. Skimmer in any tank is a must. Instructions for bio reactor is to place it just before skimmer.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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