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Looking for an elegant solution to hide chiller

Harry H

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I have a 10g Nano tank and it sits on an ikea bedside table (norlii table I think it is called). The size is perfect. I think it can perfectly accommodate the Innovative Marine 16g peninsula tank. (Opsss... evil thoughts of upgrading lol)


But as you can see - it is a practical solution but not an elegant one. All the cables, tubes and chiller are exposed due to the presence of the chiller.

In all the designer all in one tank sets, the Aquarium stand is a closed cupboard and they look awesome. But! You can’t put the chiller in it as you need free flow of air- both intake and outflow. In those classy Redsea or IM adverts in Europe or US, they don’t need a chiller!

So how do the reefer bros hide the chiller? Customized stand won’t solve it bec you still need the exposed air intake for the chiller. I suppose you can add grill but I can’t imagine a nice tank stand with it.

Anyone has an elegant solution?

How do you build an integrated tank with chiller? Thanks in advance!!!

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Best design

Tecos tk range has a cap to direct exhaust towards an opening in ur cabinet. Just make anotther slot or hole maybe an inch or 2 wide on the other side hidden to stream in outside air. I have no intake holes the air just goes thru the gaps of the door in front and behind the tank.


This is the inside

See this vid from YouTube

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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