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NEWBIE : Seeking Advice for FOWLR setup tank

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Hi to all Master out there... 

Would to seek for all your precious advice before setting up my 1st marine tank. 

Much apologies, if my questions sounds ignorant/shallow as I'm still learning in the process... 


- Looking for 20 / 30 gallon tank       ( is it okay to work with NO SUMP ? plenty of cleaning crew + HOB / built in filter + skimmer + LIVE rock )

- Planning to keep  [ 1 clown , 1 tang , 1 more (any recommendation)  ]

- Shallow Sand Bed 

- Planning to keep some Coral in the future   ( hope there's enough room space for 20 / 30 gallon tank )

- RO/DI  ( is it necessary to have this ? )

- Lighting  ( T5  without coral should be ok ? ) 

- Chiller  

- Filter Media  

- Power head 

- Wave maker

- testing kit 



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Go without the hob filter. Try to avoid filtration that would contain stuff within the water. Ok without sump but get a good hang on skimmer. Ur tank is small u can buy rodi water from farms, use mineral water. People overseas use tap water with seachem prime with salt. I am not sure if you wanna use tap water as your tank is small and moreover I am not sure about the corals you intend to keep. I have a fairly large tank.you can check out my video. 

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Go without the hob filter. Try to avoid filtration that would contain stuff within the water. Ok without sump but get a good hang on skimmer. Ur tank is small u can buy rodi water from farms, use mineral water. People overseas use tap water with seachem prime with salt. I am not sure if you wanna use tap water as your tank is small and moreover I am not sure about the corals you intend to keep. I have a fairly large tank.you can check out my video. 

Hi Plastic.G !
Thank you for your advice.
Do u have any recommendation for corals for beginners like myself...

Need your recommendation for hang on skinmer as well...

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Hi Plastic.G !
Thank you for your advice.
Do u have any recommendation for corals for beginners like myself...

Need your recommendation for hang on skinmer as well...

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Leather corals , zoas and mushroom 2ill e easy to start with..

Can consider bubble magus skimmer if on budget

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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