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Weekly Update - 09th to 15th Oct 2017

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Looking for genicanthus bellus/watanabei.

Just curious, have these fish been increasingly uncommon? Don't see them as often as before. Also, what is the price range for a single female nowadays?

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20 hours ago, Hehe said:

Looking for genicanthus bellus/watanabei.

Just curious, have these fish been increasingly uncommon? Don't see them as often as before. Also, what is the price range for a single female nowadays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Seen 3 pairs of Watanabei at Ah beng last Saturday noon. Check with them first in case already sold by now.

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1 hour ago, Ref00 said:

Saw alot of flame angel and small small size yellow eye kole tang (good size for nano) at iwana yest. 

May I know what price are they sell at ?

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New arrivals

Christmas tree rock (limited pcs), yellow hammer, orange and rose colored hammers, crocodile island scolymia (limited pcs), assorted zoanthid, rhodactis mushrooms, persian rug mushrooms, lennardi wrasse xxl and juveniles, hemiscyllium trispeculare, neotrygon ningalooensis, northern wobbegong pair, west australia leather corals, spider sponge, sea apples, scribbled angels, west australian clarkii pairs, west australia form cooperi anthias, burnt sausage sea cucumbers, oriental butterflyfish, trimma tevegae, pterogobius elapoides, blue goniopora, purple goniopora, special alveopora, acropora florida, acropora solitaryensis, coconut crab.

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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Madpetz will be opening their new brand new outlet tomorrow which deal with live stocks.. Congrats to ken ! 

Extract from their FB post. 


Dear value Customers, You are invited to join us for our 
Madpetz@AMK128 official opening 
on Saturday (14 Oct 17) 2-6pm 
at Blk 128 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 #01-1867

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