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At last my 5 footer!!


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  • SRC Member

Thanks guys for your compliement and moral support! :lol::lol:

Tineng, I took your advise and I put some filter between the refuigium and the last section of the sump. I manage to fliter off some of the dead algae and grapes before the return pump blow it back to the main tank. Thanks. My Refugium is really infested with cyna, red slime algae, blar blar blar......wonder if it is alright! Will post a pic. this evening.

Is it true AP?? :yeah: Maybe I will try a small frag of SPS in the nest couple of months! :evil:

Sigh! A couple of things is still worrying me!

- I notice some red slimy aglae have started to grow (in the main tank) on the LR I had transfer from my 2 footer :blink:

- a portion of the sand bed is cover with ......hmm....wonder what you call that......"dust"???.....it float and fly everywhere especailly when you sweep the current on sand bed!!!! :(

By the way I have only 3 fish in the tank, a brown tang, an Anthias and a blue tang (just bought last night)....and 1 scarlet skunk cleaner and 1 coral banded! <_<

Any Advise??? :huh:

Maybe I should buy a sea cucumber....is called a cuke right? :huh:

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you might have to wait it out.....i thought you only had your tank for 3 weeks????

for me only put in 1 clown after 3 weeks....and wasn't until 1 months later then begin to stock up and stop at 4 fishes....but then, mine is only a 2 footer....

You would have to clean the filter woll regularly to prevent it from being a nitrate factory....

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  • SRC Member
you might have to wait it out.....i thought you only had your tank for 3 weeks????

for me only put in 1 clown after 3 weeks....and wasn't until 1 months later then begin to stock up and stop at 4 fishes....but then, mine is only a 2 footer....

You would have to clean the filter woll regularly to prevent it from being a nitrate factory....

This week will be a month! Ya....shit....forgot about the wool! Will change tonight!!! Thanks......Intend to take out those tonga that are infested by the red slimy algae to scrub this weekend! Sigh! I suspect I on the MH to long hours! <_<

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yup must be more hardworking for the start.. clean your filter often and do more water change..

me so far has already done 4 water changes and clean already... on every 2 weeks..

Yup....gonna do it as soon as I reach home today.....AARRHHH!!!!

Alan.....how much water do you change? 1 or 2 pail? :huh: The last time I change...which was 2 weeks ago...... was almost as much as water as a 2 feet tank!

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Yup....gonna do it as soon as I reach home today.....AARRHHH!!!!

Alan.....how much water do you change? 1 or 2 pail? :huh: The last time I change...which was 2 weeks ago...... was almost as much as water as a 2 feet tank!

me usually change 1 pail only...

but every now and then will have a 2 pail water change as 1 pail is far too little for a 5ft tank vol...

once of these weekend u free come over my house lor... and u will see some stuff which I cant disclose here... else gatta alot of question and asking.. tired or it...

some more got some stuff have arrive today not very special stuff but you might be interested...

pm me for my hp if u want to know more...

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hmmm u could add a seacuke/urchin/turbo ;) can clean it up

Hi Bubblegum.... ;) I thought so as well....I have got a couple of turbo already...but definately not doing their work! <_<

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Look at my messy place....everything everywhere! <_< Sigh! .....at last manage to move my 2 footer away! :rolleyes:


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Intending to place my chiller outside the balcony.....the miserable small balcony is behind the curtain! <_<


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Damp tired after a whole evening of maintenance, changing the filter wool, cleaning the 3rd compartment of the sump, relocating the power head, relocating all my power plugs, cleaning and moving my 2 footer tank, mop floor again.......I am really exhausted!!! :sick:

Anyway.......last pic......going to get some sleep now! *YAWNNNN*


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wow love ur black crocea! Wanna sell?

Wah lau a.....bro.....dont like that leh......sui one you kapo! :lol::lol::lol:

You have enough mistresses already la.......let me keep mine la..... :D:D:D

Anyway......not really black.....kekeke :upsidedown:

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its dark brown to brown, slight gold drops..hehe

anyway, did u make a wooden cover to cover up the sump area? then will look neater and hide away all the bottom equipment

Wow...Rodian "HUM" expert leh you! :lol::lol: Like that you can also see huh!!! :bow:

By the way, yes I do have a sliding door cover. But have to get the electrical wires sorted out first! Got to lengthen some of the power head cables as well......a lot of work! :heh:

Futher more I have just routed the rubber tubing for the chiller to the back of the tank last night.....now just have to re-connect to the chiller and relocate the chiller to the right before I can close the cover neatly! ;)

Damp tedious man! <_< Tonight, tonight......gonna complete all these work......cant wait to sit in front of the tank and enjoy it! :lol:

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not expert lah :P

enjoy the fruits of your labour...have a cool beer in your hand and sit down and admire your tank :D

hehe.....already stand by my Erdinger and sweet peanuts at home already.....la gi better.....can smoke anywhere I like....hahahaha :lol::lol: Honestly it is damp satisfying!!!

Hmmm.....must get it done tonight!!! :evil:

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CR = calcium reactor?? :huh: hehe not so advance yet..... :lol: Slowly slowly....probably mean time will change water more often and probably have to dose Kalwasser more frequently....hehe.... :lol:

Hehe....at last move my chiller out of the house....to the balcony.....no more noise and hot air!!! Yahoooooooo :lol:


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