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At last my 5 footer!!


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  • SRC Member
no problem....

it was a simple chlorine problem...but pub decided to add chloramine as yazid said...

many brands of such chlorine/chloramine remove products around.... happy choosing...personally i use seachem prime....but i am sure there are better ones around

hmm so pub did put chloramine.. u ppls really can be pub stuff...

me been wondering about chloramine in our tap water but no time to check out pub...

thanx so now I should play safe too for my top up water...

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me use other brand of chlorine remover.. so far find it the best and also help keep alge problem...

hmm u using all old sand or a mix of old and new...

how old is the sand..try not to use too much old sand..

lastly why u make so many head loss for your return pump..

u should place the pump right under the return of the main tank so as to reduce head loss...

my tank can't do that because I'm puting my chiller in the cabinet so have to bare with the head loss.. and use a TS12 tunze to drive the current instead...

Correct hor! Should have change the direction of the sump tank......AiYa!!!!!.....I think I will stick to the design......its too much work and time.....anyway I believe my pump is strong enough...(hope so.....8500L/Hr). <_<

Alan.....why is that so may I ask......should I mix it with new sand?

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Hmmm...if next time you set up another tank..think it is always best to leave it with freshwater overnight to test for leaks..rather than to mix in salt straightaway... ;)

Oh I try commissioning with fresh water and I only found the leaking at the pump side....so isolate the main tank and the sump tank with those valve lor......still not patience enough I must say! Sigh! :lol:

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just want to know from seniors, how effective would an ro/di unit serve in taking off chlorine, chloramine in freshwater?

btw, nelson, congrats!!!!! its been great sharing same addictions with ya... :evil::evil::evil: ....... n guess what, im dumping my tank for a bigger one i recently acquired from a generous reefer.... holes in our pockets are getting big man!!!!! :D

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because over time old sand reduction in diversity as the bed ages...

that's why..

plus depend on various tank.. their sand may not be performing the require perform and end up collecting dirty and form crytsal.. because of reverse cycle...

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just want to know from seniors, how effective would an ro/di unit serve in taking off chlorine, chloramine in freshwater?

btw, nelson, congrats!!!!! its been great sharing same addictions with ya... :evil::evil::evil: ....... n guess what, im dumping my tank for a bigger one i recently acquired from a generous reefer.... holes in our pockets are getting big man!!!!! :D

Thanks....you bet! I just spent 4k+ on all these already and yet there isnt a single fish or corals in it!!!! hahahaha :lol:

Congras to you also....lets tear our pocket together!!!...... :lol:

So how big is that going to be??? Must be a monster one.... :lol:

kekeke....got my LR, Chiller, MH and PS already....just waiting for the tank to mature! Sigh! probably going to take months with the speed I am going........ :lol:

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because over time old sand reduction in diversity as the bed ages...

that's why..

plus depend on various tank.. their sand may not be performing the require perform and end up collecting dirty and form crytsal.. because of reverse cycle...

hmmm.....thats serious?! How about washing these sand? Crystal?! :huh:

Alan, may I ask if you have anything I can read on in particular on this? Very keen to understand! Just to prevent a disaster! Thanks :thanks:

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Thanks....you bet! I just spent 4k+ on all these already and yet there isnt a single fish or corals in it!!!! hahahaha :lol:

Congras to you also....lets tear our pocket together!!!...... :lol:

So how big is that going to be??? Must be a monster one.... :lol:

kekeke....got my LR, Chiller, MH and PS already....just waiting for the tank to mature! Sigh! probably going to take months with the speed I am going........ :lol:

:o:o:o $4k???? :bow::bow::bow:

how i wish im as loaded as u... hehehe... i actually inherited joe_p's previous tank and he gave it to me in a very good price.... its big alright, 4 guys had a hard time taking it out from his place and bringing it in my place; its 5x2.5x2.5ft ..... paul of sgbros were good and experienced in shifting it....and they had no complains about how big the tank is; their main complain is that the door is too small :)

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Wow.....thats huge!

I thought 4k is already cheap! Come..mon....I am not loaded....just an employee.....but I found life in reefing and this hobby is the only hobby I had for all these years that I am so madly in love with it! ;)

I believe you must have spent more than this on you existing tank!.....just too humble of you...... :lol:

Same same I got some good deal on some of the stuff....kekeke especially the MH and Chiller. The stuff that I think I pay too much is the staghorn/tonga! These stupid Citis License!!!! Sigh! <_<

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Was wondering if I can seek some advise out there? There is quite a bit of salt residue still resting inside the tank bed......was wondering if I can add my sand and lay over it! <_<

Any side effect? Still having problem dissolving it after 3-4 days! <_<

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hehe a little update! Filling sand today......half fill....another box to go..........tiring man!..........sigh!.......taking a break..... B)


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Power cut simulation completed and tested!

Now I will declared it is fully commission!! :lol: Thank you God, Ah La, Tao Bei Kong...... :lol::lol:

Monitoring in progress........Meantime got to get a durso.....bloody noisy!!! Sigh! :fear:

Cycling start: 9th April 2004

Addition of LR: 24th April 2004

Cycling ETA: 8th May.....looking forward to this day! Sigh! :ph34r:

Improvement.....got to get some sort of card board (plastic type) to cover/guard the outlet! as I notice there is some water splashing into cabinet!

Anything else.....hmmm...... <_<


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kekeke just found some card board....cut cut cut....there it is.....the cabinet interior will be "high & dry" from the outlet......kekeke :D


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looking good. need a chiller? :P

jokes aside, looking forward to see your rock scape. hehz.

hehe chiller, 1hp, on its way from......will be landing tomorrow 1835hr in T1! :lol::lol:

Me too.....damp anxious to get my hands wet!!! Sigh!

By the way was wondering if I should arm myself with a UV light during cycling?....hmmm.....Any advise from reefer out there? :huh:

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  • SRC Member
Your tank looks good bro. How many kg of sand are you using for your main tank? How many inches is the DSB?



Not too sure but definately damn heavy :lol: .....approx. 4" in main tank and 4" in my 2 feet refugium! :heh:

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hehe.....Haliea HL-880 CA....got my mdm to buy for me in China kekeke can only say it is still cheaper than retail price! :P

Interested?! but will charge you a admin. fees..... :lol::lol:

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bro, congratulations!!! looking forward to LFS hopping with u when u begin stocking up your tank - u probably need to set aside another $750 - $1k for LS ?? ha ha ha !!!

Welcome to the "Money Pit" !!! (as AT has put it....)

(I wish I was the retailer collecting your $$$ at the bottom of the pit !!! ke ke ke ke Ha ha ha !!!)

as always, gimme a shout should you need any help...


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  • SRC Member
bro, congratulations!!! looking forward to LFS hopping with u when u begin stocking up your tank - u probably need to set aside another $750 - $1k for LS ?? ha ha ha !!!

Welcome to the "Money Pit" !!! (as AT has put it....)

(I wish I was the retailer collecting your $$$ at the bottom of the pit !!! ke ke ke ke Ha ha ha !!!)

as always, gimme a shout should you need any help...


Bro! Definately need your help....in fact was considering getting some corals now and house it in your tank first!....saw lots of hard corals yesterday at T95! Very very tempt to buy!!!! Sigh! <_< kekeke but physco someone else to buy instead!!! hahahaha :lol::lol:

Anyway thanks for your offer! :thanks:

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