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Tank Leak

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my tank maker, is the same as dradttg and alanseah. as in, at that point of time, it was a sort of partnership.

the newer tanks like piglet and Ekia and nim75sg, is done by a single person and Octo isn't involved, if I'm not mistaken.

I still refer back to his partner and not Octo himself, as I do not have Octo's number.

I hope this clears up the air. (=

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I spent around $1,400 for my last tank 5x2x2.5 ft complete with sump and cabinet.

The manufacturer that came yesterday to take a look at my present tank just faxed me his quotation. Its around $3,000. I can see that quality of his tanks is much better.

Who are your tank maker, guys?

$3000 is possible, if he quotes you starfire glass. the cost of starfire glass, for my 4ft tank, for only one piece, is good enough to buy another 4ft tank with cabinet altogether.

if you want, I can help you refer to a tankmaker for quotation.

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  • SRC Member
my tank maker, is the same as dradttg and alanseah. as in, at that point of time, it was a sort of partnership.

the newer tanks like piglet and Ekia and nim75sg, is done by a single person and Octo isn't involved, if I'm not mistaken.

I still refer back to his partner and not Octo himself, as I do not have Octo's number.

I hope this clears up the air. (=

terryansimon >> was right...

Well, let stop discuss about this . :thanks: .. off the track ..... anyway, both alanseah&dradttg are talking about different person. :lol:


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QUOTE (KISS @ Oct 7 2004, 06:44 PM)

I spent around $1,400 for my last tank 5x2x2.5 ft complete with sump and cabinet.

The manufacturer that came yesterday to take a look at my present tank just faxed me his quotation. Its around $3,000. I can see that quality of his tanks is much better.

Who are your tank maker, guys?

$3000 is possible, if he quotes you starfire glass. the cost of starfire glass, for my 4ft tank, for only one piece, is good enough to buy another 4ft tank with cabinet altogether.

Agreed with terryansimon... $3000 > should be using Sarphire glass!! You must check it out?

If it is not Sarphire glass but normal glass > and he quote $3,000.. haha. Both terryansimon, me and Ekia want to build one for you (normal glass)> for $2999. :lol::lol:

For pricing for 5ft tank> best if you ask our tankmaker for a quotation. ;)

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  • SRC Member
my tank maker, is the same as dradttg and alanseah. as in, at that point of time, it was a sort of partnership.

the newer tanks like piglet and Ekia and nim75sg, is done by a single person and Octo isn't involved, if I'm not mistaken.

I still refer back to his partner and not Octo himself, as I do not have Octo's number.

I hope this clears up the air. (=

yup the tank maker of piglet just call me in the evening also.. and clear things with me...

well octo is out of business so let's forget about him and continue life and dont talk about the past anymore...

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Sorry for bringing up the past. :bow:

KISS: This is a good opportunity to consider going for a smaller tank. I really regret for for 5 ft. Equipment always underpowered and water change is an headache.

I have seen a lot of 3 ft tank here and all very nice.

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to senior bro alanseah and dradttg;

just a misunderstanding. Wei also know > this incident >cause by some misunderstanding.

esp for me> i am sorrie too . never want to bring up the 'past'

i am the most junior reefer among all of you :paiseh: , should be me to > :bow: .


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wah, $3k for new tank... maybe you should check out Eaquarist offer...


Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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To draddttg: Actually, I have started with a 2 ft, complete with overflow and sump in 2001.

Then, I got a 4ft IOS in early 2003, which is wrong for a marine set-up. It is now a chiclid tank.

The thing with my present 5 ft is that it is built to fit into a hole ( which was hacked for this purpose) between my bedroom and my living room, so that the aquariunm can be viewed on both sides.

This leakage is really a heartache for me. Actually, after hearing so many suggestions, im at loss at the solutions.

To silicon only?

Or to just make another main tank?

Or to do the whole set-up again? $$$$$

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To silicon only?

Or to just make another main tank?

Or to do the whole set-up again? $$$$$

bro KISS..

check the price and compare > To silicon only vs make another main tank.

in my own opinion. > don't need to do whole new set-up again. unless> your cabinet or sump is not suitable for marine or poorly "build" .

get a good tank maker to make a good ,strong tank and piping for you.

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  • SRC Member
To draddttg: Actually, I have started with a 2 ft, complete with overflow and sump in 2001.

Then, I got a 4ft IOS in early 2003, which is wrong for a marine set-up. It is now a chiclid tank.

The thing with my present 5 ft is that it is built to fit into a hole ( which was hacked for this purpose) between my bedroom and my living room, so that the aquariunm can be viewed on both sides.

This leakage is really a heartache for me. Actually, after hearing so many suggestions, im at loss at the solutions.

To silicon only?

Or to just make another main tank?

Or to do the whole set-up again? $$$$$

I see I see.

Just suggestion: Maybe can make small tank and use the excess space for Protein Skimmer. I failed to plan for my Beckett and now my tank is very untidy.

3K for just the tank is way too ex. Most 12mm 5 ft tank with full Chanai wood cabinet cost > $1400 and majority of the cost is for the cabinet. Hence, $500 - $600 is a more reliable amount for just the tank.

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To draddttg: Actually, I have started with a 2 ft, complete with overflow and sump in 2001.

Then, I got a 4ft IOS in early 2003, which is wrong for a marine set-up. It is now a chiclid tank.

The thing with my present 5 ft is that it is built to fit into a hole ( which was hacked for this purpose) between my bedroom and my living room, so that the aquariunm can be viewed on both sides.

This leakage is really a heartache for me. Actually, after hearing so many suggestions, im at loss at the solutions.

To silicon only?

Or to just make another main tank?

Or to do the whole set-up again? $$$$$

If u want, I can introduce u my tank maker. I got my tank and sump for less than $1000.

I think they also do repair.

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