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Poly-filter by poly-bio-marine


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Exactly what I thought. The first one that i bought was white. This yellowed pad that came out of the bag smelled the same as that first one i had and im thinking if the effects would still be the same.

Alright, not taking my chances of losing a refund or an exchange. This pad doesn't come cheap and i dont want to risk losing livestock and money. I shall not use it then. Ive dropped off an email to the shop owner. Hope i can get this sorted out and exchanged for another pad. I love and trust this staff. Ive used it on my nano reef and it managed to keep my water almost pristine for weeks.a6354738cad965828bc82d10890a8872.jpg

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I think its safe. Received an email from poly-bio.

On Friday, August 4, 2017, wrote:

In a message dated 8/3/2017 2:04:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, albertjosecarlos@gmail.com writes:
I have recently bought a pack of poly filter from a local fish store and it was yellow in color straight out from the pack.


I have attched the photo in this email.

Is it still safe to Use?
The discolored Poly-Filter ® was exposed to excessive heat during storage. This most likely
did not occur in the pet store (unless they have an outside storage container).
We mark every master case of Poly-Filter ® with a red top stencil: heat sensitive do not store
above 90 F. Every summer we receive emails from aquarists that have purchased discolored
Poly-Filters. In order to combat this problem, we have notified all our distributors that Poly-Filter
must be stored in a temperature controlled area. In addition, we increase Poly-Filter's moisture
content during summer months. Yet nothing appears to stop the problem because warehouse
workers either do not care about warnings or are simply illiterate. As a point of information:
we keep samples from every Poly-Filter ® production batch and every products manufactured
twelve years ago only shows slight yellowing when stored below 80 F.

Is your discolored Poly-Filter ® safe to use? By the color of your picture the answer is
most likely yes. Did the Poly-Filter ® have a strong ammonia, dead fishy odor ? If the answer
is no then it is only aesthetically bad looking but will fully function. Just rinse it well in filtered water,
distilled water or R/O water before use. However, if the Poly-Filter ® had the strong bad smell
mentioned above -- it is severely heat damaged and must be discarded. Send us another email
with your name and address we will replace it.

Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc.
927 Neversink St.
Reading, PA 19606-3732
Phone 610-404-1410
Fax 610-404-1487
www.polybiomarine.com or www.poly-bio-marine.com

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Thanks for update n sharing

No problem. I hope this info benefits reefers out there who runs into the same issue and save buyers and sellers from getting into disputes unless necessary.

Its doing its job so far and i dont know if there will be any changes to the features of poly-filter as advertised and promised due to the discoloration. Only time will tell and lets see if anything leaches out or expires faster than if it was white. If no further updates means everything is okay.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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