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Need advice for newbie in this hobby

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Hi bro, imo you should set up especially if you're planning to buy livestock from LFS because you can never be sure if the fish you buy have any diseases that can wipe out your whole tank. Just a small tank with simple filter will do. If you mainly get from fellow hobbyists it might be less chance of disease since they've been keeping it a while but you can never be sure.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

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Hi bro, imo you should set up especially if you're planning to buy livestock from LFS because you can never be sure if the fish you buy have any diseases that can wipe out your whole tank. Just a small tank with simple filter will do. If you mainly get from fellow hobbyists it might be less chance of disease since they've been keeping it a while but you can never be sure.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

Alright that means I either need to overhaul my fw tank or get another tank.. simple filter meaning?? Hang on pump with filter materials?
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Hi bro, no need overhaul lah. Just get a cheap 1 ft plastic tank with cheap bubble filter ok already. Just add in a cave for fish to hide will do. Your tank is a nano so your fish won't be so huge anyway

Sent from my E6653 using Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Need uh currently it's still a fw crayfish tank need to clean it up first..

Just a question about setting up a quarantine tank:
Both tank the water parameters are different for sure how do we get the livestock from A->B or B->A?
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Right been a couple of months and I guess it’s time to update.. had some discussion w fellow reefers and decided to change the artificial rock to dead rock and using epoxy to form a basic rock.. population in the tank now

2x hermit crab

2x turbo snails

2x Nassarrius snails

1x cleaner shrimp

1x clownfish

1x green bubble anemone


Guys any idea how to control the brown algae dots on my tank???



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  • 5 weeks later...

Just an update, diatoms finally cleared and I added another tank to act as a sump.. gonna add cheato in then see how it goes from there.. changed my lights from Nemolight to AI prime HD as the nemolight some led is spoiled already hence I shift it to my quarrantine tank to use.. trying out whether the tank is able to keep sps now with contribution from fellow Reefer Edwin..


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
any updates on ur tank? have u started keeping sps? i heard it is almost impossible to keep sps in a nano tank because the water parameters swing too much!

Yo actually I have upgraded the tank to a 2ft and even then keeping sps is a challenge still.. I’m trying to find a better chiller maybe HS-28a then can see more results.. will post pics and update soon!!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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