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Need help: links to info about Singapore

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We have and will continue to get lots of overseas visitors to our website and I think it is good to put up links to tell them more about ourselves and our country.

We are uniquely Singaporean and we have our local languages, customs, Asian mentality & culture that may be extremely foreign to alot of foreigners.

I need help to point to local sites on any info that could be helpful to them to get them up to speed on what makes us tick! ;) eg. country info & demographics, facts & economic achievements, latest developments on the global scene in innovation, blah blah blah... you'll be surprised how little they know of Singapore... some still think we are a province in China or something... ;)

It would also be good to cut back on our Singlish and try to speak in proper Queen's English as much as we can. I mean, if it is about serious reefkeeping discussions, it should be, anyway.

We should try to keep the local humour & slang in the Kopi Tiam section! ;)

Remember, we are ambassadors of our country when it comes to representing our wonderful hobby on the global scene via the World Wide Web!

We have been graced to have people like the Salifert boss, Habib, well regarded reefers like Blane Perun (thesea.org), some reefers from the US and UK already in SRC and God knows how many reefing gods & gurus are already in our midst or going to pop in one day! :)

I for once, would like people like Eric Borneman, Ron Shimek, Julian Sprung, Randy Holmes-Farley and many more established and learned reefing gurus to pop in and give us their views, share their experiences and tips, for the benefit of all SRC reefers!

Go go SRC!

My 2 cents,


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