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Week 1 - 05th to 11th April 2004

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Reefworld...... lots of hard corals...




-green open brain

-huge big bubbles(white)

-3 or 4 pieces of pagoda cup

-couple pieces of tiny fox coral

Irwana...........new fish stocks just arrive

-black clowns

-bi-colour angel

-some sps


-a huge teardrop maxima

-remaining lps,cheaper than the price when just arrived

Pacific MArine.......(old one)

-cristmas tree worms


-open brain



Hmm..... the huge tear drop is new shipment or old one

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was at reborn just now.. and saw lots of peppermint shrimp... those interesed might want to go n have a look.. saw some GIANT chrismas tree worm .. i'll post some tomorrow.. no need to use marco mode also can take clearly..hahha

They have been confirm that they are not pepper mint

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